OUYA no longer requires you to create a free to play demo and include iAP to sell you your games.
Freedom of choice just got freer…for OUYA DEVS.
With the newest OTA, creating a PAID GAME on OUYA is our new alternative to the FREE TO TRY model, and it's super simple:
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3... 4… 5!
1. Create your product here: https://devs.ouya.tv/developers/products
2. Upload your game here: https://devs.ouya.tv/developers/games
3. Select whether or not it is Free to Try when you fill out the game's info
4. Choose whether or not your game has in-app purchases
5. If it is a paid game, you'll be required to choose a Promoted Product
Remember, you can still create free-to-try games, free games, and free-to-play games, the same as always. Now there's one more option to enable you to publish your game on OUYA as smoothly as possible.
You can even change an existing OUYA game from Free to Try to Paid, as long as you have a Promoted Product already in place! Gamers who already purchased your game will not be affected by this change.