ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I'm with TPorter, the father in me made me not want to play after I saw the baby launched from the cart. Just not my cup of tea. The game seemed to play fine on my end though, and would probably be more enjoyable if not that the baby :).

    One suggestion, if you are using adsense, be very careful and read the Google TOS. I believe all banners need to be at least 150px away from the game window. Double check before you get the google ban hammer :).

  • Thanks for the compliments. Keeping practicing :).

    The High Scores page is done with AJAX, PHP and MySql. I am thinking of writing a tutorial on it since there doesn't seem to be one already.

  • New update, it's almost complete now.

    Still need one more image for the background. A cityscape, mountains or something.

    Added more animations

    Tweaked the flow of the game.

    Made it run in letterbox mode

    Added more sounds

    Added a combo/multiplier system

    Cleaned up little things here and there.

    If you get a chance, check it out and go for a high score :).

  • You might look into AnimeStudio as well. From what I have heard, it's great for animating. You add bones to the different limbs and you can animate them based on that.

  • Added enemy explode animations

    Added Start Screen

    Added Online High Score (using AJAX via PHP/MySQL)

    I'm gonna work on he background images, add 1 more enemy and finally the flow of the game.

    Thanks for checking it out.

  • Ureka! :). I got it all worked out now I think.

  • OK, well I got the php file to display correctly now

    But now it's acting like the Ajax process is not completing because the text is not changing to blank, it's not changing at all.

    Sorry, I am kind of using this thread as a talk out loud. Sometimes it helps me find the issue, plus with help from others. I just know lots of people have been asking for a tutorial to do high scores and I would to put one together, if I can do it myself first HA.

  • I'm running through the tutorial again, just in case I missed something. Thanks.

  • Which I guess brings me to another issue. Now I'm trying to get all the results from the query_array to show up in one text block.

    // Start looping rows in mysql database.


    echo $rows['name'] . "|" . $rows['score'] . "|";

    That seems to make a line break with each passing of the while statement

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  • I think I might have it figured out. Even though the text on the website looks to be in one long string, the source code fro the page shows line breaks :).

  • What I am doing is very simple, I have a PHP file to get high score from my database.

    As you can see the PHP file works fine.

    My project:

    <img src="" border="0">

    When I run it and click the button, txt3Name value is blank.

    However, if I just create a file with some text, save it as php and use the same above process, when I click the button txt3Name shows the text.

    Obviously the getscores.php file is working correctly as you can see from going to the url, so I don't konw why the AJAX.LastData is empty.

    Would appreciate any help. I'm planning on doing a video tutorial on making an online high score table, but I just can't get past this one little thing :).


  • Made a few changes:

    Added start layout

    Added Game Over

    Added Scores appearing above enemies when killed

    Added some more collision detection

    Removed the random holes, now holes are just created by the enemy with missiles.

    Added explosion to horizontal bullet and enemy bullets that hit the ground.

    Added sound effects

    Next I am going to work on the online high score table layout and then start tweaking the balance/flow of the game.

    Finally, work on some newer graphics and explosion animations.

  • Got it working, thanks so much for the help.

  • Ahhhh, thank you so much :).

  • OK, I can't get anything to work. I've tried a ton of things now.

    Here is my capx, sorry it's kind of big, I have two music files in the game as well.