LaroTaio please send me a screenshot on what should i edit in the build.json file . I am stuck at that step.
I suggest you follow the yt tutorial thoroughly, install everything correctly, to test if everything is working, skip the build.json portion, don't need to sign in with your keystore yet.
Instead of building a signed apk command
"cordova build android --release --buildconfig"
use this command instead
"cordova build android" this will build a debug apk (not signed)
If you build an apk with out any error, then you installed all the tools correctly.
Here is what you will edit in your build.json file:
Target the path of your keystore file location, also pay close attention with the extra back slashes, take a look at a sample below I provided.
-----------sample keystore path
"android": {
"debug": {
"keystore": "C:\\\\Users\\Matteo.GXITALIA\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\VSOnline\\CREAM\\Mobile\\release.keystore#",
"storePassword": "***",
"alias": "release_alias",
"password" : "***",
"keystoreType": ""
Now, about monetizing C2 apps, I've been finding ways to integrate it for about a month, since nobody here in the forum have any solution to my problem, so I decided to go to fiverr and ask experts to help me with admob integration, but to no avail, I just surrendered. The harsh reality is that C2 is not really good with adding ad monetization. Want to know if I'm telling the truth, go to their home page and look for any thing that says [b]EASY adding ads and monetization[/b] , you won't see anything. But on the brighter side, if you're goal is just to make games, for sure C2 will always be on my top game engine to make 2d games.