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  • Thanks for the quick reply, Nope I have nothing special or hiding yet...

    I'm about to add more layers and probably there will be hidden collision objects as well but not yet.

    So this feature is very limited from my understanding and I didn't even add extra code which may make things even worse...

    Is there a different way to make a custom cursor without such weird result?

    Thanks ahead! :)

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  • Hi All,

    I've tried few ways to change the mouse cursor, the built in "Set Cursor to Mouse"

    the more manual of every tick to set position of the cursor sprite, I even tried to set cursor to "None" and then set the position and everything works fine, the cursor is there BUT...

    there is always a problem that I don't know how to get rid of, the Windows original mouse cursor is ALWAYS coming back here-and-there... if it's after few clicks, if it's randomly I don't even know when it happens.

    So my question is: How can I make SURE it won't appear, because I want to see ONLY my custom sprite cursor.

    Here is an example that is the result of ALL the ways I tried as described above, none solve the issue.

    I tried, Every Tick, and I also tried On Start of Layout Set Curosor, nothing helps.

    As you can see, at the very end the original cursor appears...

    I'm using Windows 10 if it helps solving this issue, pls HELP?


  • Tween use dt, so it's entirely scalable…

    You can also use Tween for a value, and not for a move, so you can control more precisely…

    That's great! I didn't know it uses dt so I'm safe with accurate :)

    I'll probably use it if I'll have no choice, but I'm curious about the Tile Movement.

    I'm trying to do this with simulating UP Tile Movement for 10 pixels but can't really get this to work, not sure why.

    I did use "when over object" >> simulate UP movement, and I did make sure the behavior is enabled by default. but it's not affecting the sprite.. nothing happens when the mouse is over the sprite.

  • Hello All,

    I have X number of ORIGIN-POINTS with their own names on a SPRITE Instance.

    I have X number of TEXT objects (may change during the game) to ALWAYS be positioned on different origin name.

    For example:

    If I have an origin point called "UP_Left_Origin" I want the text: "UP LEFT" to be position on it no matter where the Instance is on the screen or what is the resolution of the game.

    I'm guessing I need to use position + origin for the instance object, but I'm not sure what expression to use or how to make it exactly.

    Any help, example file or tutorial will be very helpful and appreciated, thanks ahead!


  • Thank you both for the example files I will explore them and see what's best for my use!

    I did try the tween before but it act very weird, and since it's based on time I hope it won't act different on SLOW vs FAST machines... since I need it to move exactly X amount of pixels, no matter what the machine speed is.


    I'm thinking about simulating Tile Movement since it's based on pixels, but I'll have to experiment and see if it works, could be a nice direction since it's already smooth, what do you think?

    Any extra advice related or examples are always welcome, thanks ahead! :)

  • Hello All,

    I want to make when the mouse cursor is over a sprite on a specific animation.

    to SLIDE 10 pixels up on the Y axis.

    and when the mouse is NOT over it, to slide back to it's original place, wherever the sprite is on the screen so it will be dynamic and not based on the screen resolution.

    Ideas? example files? tutorial? any step-by-step will be very helpful as I'm still learning.

    Thanks ahead! :)


  • Thanks everyone for the examples that's encouraging me to explore the Functions and use them when needed instead of just letting them sit there! :)

  • Thanks for the examples you guys!

    It seems like I can really use Functions to make my code shorter in some case, not specifically on my current project but on the way I use Construct while learning how to use it.

    So.. since I didn't use Functions yet my questions may sound very stupid as a newbie but why not asking anyway from more experienced users in our community, it's another way to understand things.

    When I create a Function (I'm talking about the NEW functions in c3 which I didn't try yet).

    Are Parameters only a way to direct a variable? or are they actually a Variable that I can use without making instance variable for example?

    Sorry about my bad English, I'll try to explain my confusion:

    The parameters that I create on a Function, do I use them to connect or "talk" with my other variables (instance variables and global) or I'm not even close and they are for a different use.

    Sorry for the confusion, I should probably just play with the Functions first and do some tests to see how they work but since I'm curious I had to ask first. :)

    Thanks ahead again!

  • Hello All,

    This may be a very stupid newbie question but, I feel like the NEW Functions is sitting there while I'm working on my project and I never touched it since... I don't really know WHEN I NEED TO USE IT.

    If I understood, I need to use it for Re-Use multi-events so I can "call" the function at anytime, but I'm not sure if that's the case.

    Can you please give me a few simple-to-follow and understand examples of WHEN I should use a Function?

    Thanks ahead!


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  • Alon

    you could use "On frame changed" to take care of the timing, under that take a snapshot of the canvas (and increment the image count variable), then use the browser object to download...

    in looking into the options, I ended up making a working sample... so here it is:

    Dear AllanR thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it a lot!

    I just tried your example but I noticed 2 things maybe you can help improving this since it looks it's very close to what I'm trying to do.

    Please consider I didn't look at the code but just tried it as quick as I saw it (excitement?)

    1. when I clicked the save it only saved 3 frames (I noticed there are 4 frames for the sprite animation).

    2. Is there a more friendly way to save the files instead of manually pop-up and click save one by one?

    Like saving all frames in one click?

    It's very much getting really close to what I'm trying to do! I hope it can be improved if C3 can support these features of course, I have no clue and this is why I'm looking for help in this.

  • Hello All,

    I'm not sure how to even start such thing, but I want to make when I click a button it will capture PNG Sequence of every FRAME of an animated sequence exactly for X amount of frames.

    For example:

    If the Sprite Animation have 12 frames on X speed.

    I want the button to CAPTURE all 12 frames that on the canvas (even if there are more than 1 sprites)

    with all the frames without weird manual timing guesses issues or bugs based on machine speed, it must be accurate based on every frame of the Sprite Speed so it won't just capture multiple of the same frame more than once. like when you Render / Export from any animation or video edit software to PNG Sequence.

    The goal is to let the user CLICK to capture the canvas and it's sprites as a usable PNG file sequence.

    So it's also need to add number at the end of the file AUTOMATICALLY.

    For example:

    PNG_Sequence_0001.png, PNG_Sequence_0002.png, PNG_Sequence_0003.png etc..

    Can somebody help me start make such thing work, I don't even know how to begin but I can only guess that it's related to drawing canvas and capture features? (just guessing)

    Any help, step-by-step guide or video tutorial related will be very appreciated, thanks ahead! :)

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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