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  • So I have this LAYER that shows "LOADING... Please Wait" above the layout + Fade out (destroy)

    What is the right load / pre-load action I need to use use in order to tell the layout that it is FINISHED loading?

    There are few loading options on SYSTEM, I'm not sure which one is the correct one.

    What do you use and recommend WackyToaster?

  • Hello All,

    I'm prototyping turn based idea for the first time, so I thought to ask how to approach it before I go further in development.

    So in general the game will be separated in 2 modes:

    1 - Map = where the player moves around

    2 - Battle = where the player fight different enemies

    My question is how do I build it in most efficient way?

    I'm guessing that the MAP should be an individual layout, so far so good.

    But once the player get into a BATTLE... what do I do now?

    Should I make 1 BATTLE LAYOUT? and every battle I can add some rules to change the enemies?

    or multiple Battle Layouts?

    I'm a bit confused here, but what would be an efficient way to do it.

    A nice example of what I'm trying to achieve is a bit like the MAP + BATTLE in the game:

    "Heroes of Might & Magic" but of course more simplify than that as I just prototyping.

    So if the MAP will be 1 Layout, Should I need to use Global variables to keep the Player's stats?

    What about enemy types, should I use families? yeah... confusion is all over the place that's why I made this thread.

    Any advice, tips, example files, screenshots or helpful suggestions will be very appreciated.

    Thanks ahead! :)

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  • Thanks WackyToaster !

    Your suggestion for a Global Layer sounds like a nice kind of "BLOCK" while loading,

    I like this idea very much, I should give it a try!

    Now I only need to find a way to make an actual loading progress instead of a fake loading screeen:

    "Please Wait... Loading" but it's an alternative solution and a quick one as well.

  • Hi flemmig

    I don't like using Browsers for Construct 3, I only use the AMAZING Desktop version, so it may work differnt on chrome or whatever browser you're using I guess.

    Anyway, this is what I do to make Full Screen Stretch as soon as the game starts, give it a try:

    I created a boolean variable: "FullScreen" set it's initial to TRUE.

    System On Start of layout |

    (sub-event) System iS FullScreen | Browser Request fullscreen - Stretch (letterbox scale)

    Not sure if that's what you're looking for but it Works for me.

  • Hey All,

    I would like to make a Start Screen: "PRESS ANY KEY TO START" so I made a simple Flashing Text on an empty layout, so far so good and simple.

    Now... what do I put on the Event Sheet to make sure:

    IF everything on the other layouts (all the other levels) loaded, then I will make the text visible.

    BUT the question is not about visible and invisible turn on and off, but more about the loading process.

    In my other layouts, there are lots of random created sprites, that only created when I see the sprite

    and I actually notice that they are drawn to the layout if I start it right away.

    I'm not sure how to explain because of my bad English, but I'll try:

    Is there a way I can make the creation of the random created sprites drawn BEFORE I start the layout?

    So when I will start the other layout, I won't SEE the creation of the sprites (it is very fast but I can notice them).

    Basically, loading ALL levels before I get to the level... is it even possible?

    IF YES! this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for!

    I don't know how to approach this, I don't understand how much control I have on the loading in Construct 3...

    any help with EXAMPLE of screenshot or file will be VERY helpful and appreciated!

    Thanks ahead! :)

  • Alon

    I would definitely put them in a family.

    A global variable is fine, but you can also check EnemyFamily.Count any time you need to know how many there are as well.

    I usually try to keep the number of global variable down to as few as possible. I use instance variables and built in features like .Count, and .PickedCount, etc...

    it helps keep things organized.

    Thank you AllanR These are very useful tips!

    I will give it a try, sounds organized as I like.

  • Hello All,

    I'm working on my prototype from scratch and I'm looking for some tips to make things simple as possible (when possible of course).

    So, I want to make the amount of Enemies on the stage even if they are not SEEN on the camera / Layout but spawned outside of the viewport (not out of the General Layout).

    In other words, the enemies will spawn anywhere on the layout, not necessarily been seen yet while traveling around, and every X range of time they will keep spawn.

    This is what I think:

    Should I set a Global Variable: "MAX_Enemies" and whenever NEW Enemy spawned add 1 if it's smaller than the max?

    I believe I should put the enemies in a Family to make things easier, but the general idea is the real question.

    The reason I'm asking for the community opinion is to get better and learn how to be more efficient, so if there is a simple / easiest way to do the above please don't hesitate to share, explain, give example file or screenshots since it's easier for me to learn from a more visual way also it may help others in the future.

    Thanks ahead! :)


  • WOW! That was fast, thank you I appreciate your kind help!

    Now I'll try to accomplish this simple task to my much more complex code on my main project.

    Hopefully I won't get any issues, I may ask for extra help... oops! ;)

  • Hello,

    It seems like I do not recieve email notification on my posts to my email.

    Yes, I check the box: "Email me whenever etc.." but nothing.

    No, it is not in my spam box, I checked this as well.

    Any idea how can I make this work instead of manually check notifications in the website?

    Thanks ahead

  • It's your events we need to see if it's not doing what you expect.

    Hi PiNkIe

    I've attached a VERY clean idea of what I try to do so it will be easier to see what I'm trying to do.

    As you can see on the file I've attached, when the player touching 1 "Thing" and continue touch others, those who are not overlapping STILL affected.

    My Goal:

    I want the Player to affect ONLY the instances that are overlapping by the player.

    Any un-touched "Thing" should back to IDLE animation.


  • Hello All,

    I have an object when it's overlapping another object it supposed to AFFECT (do something) ONLY on ONE of the specific instance, but instead it affects on ALL the instances on the layout.

    I tried "FOR EACH" but to be honest, I'm still confused about how to use it correctly...

    Is there a simple or alternative solution to accomplish my mission?

    Any examples or screenshots will be much appreciated and helpful since I'm still learning.

    Sorry about my bad English and thanks ahead! :)


  • I couldn't see where you defined the variable in the event sheet screen shots. If you want to have a local variable maintain it's value between tick event or each time the event sheet is executed, you need to mark the local variable as static. Otherwise it gets reset with time through the event sheet

    I didn't know that! I always used the default settings of the variables, because I didn't understand the different options from the manual very well (blaming only myself, not the manual).

    So now with STATIC checked, it works as Local, which is MUCH more organized as I put it on the Creature's Group.

    This is very helpful rhg1968 thank you!

    To be honest, I'm still not sure why the event sheet ignores the Timer but at least I can work with the Local Variable now.

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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