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  • Look at your AJAX request action, why are you requesting "icon-128.png"? You need to request URL NWJS.ChosenPath

    Thanks! I knew it was something I mixed up, IT WORKS GREAT NOW!

    Thank you so much dop2000


    I'm guessing this save system saves EVERYTHING (as I wanted) but, after testing it now I'm wondering Can I exclude or decide what will NOT be saved? because there are some things I don't want to be save.

  • Thanks for the example dop2000 No way I could understand how to do this complex AJAX / NWJS actions by myself...

    I can save and name the file "whatever.alon" and I can also Load and choose it.

    So the dialog boxes for both save and load works, but when I LOAD nothing happens...

    Can you please point where I had a mistake?

    I tried to follow your example but I guess I missed something.

    Thanks ahead! :)

  • Thank you for the quick detailed reply dop2000 Nepeo

    It seems like it is possible which is VERY encouraging!

    I'm aiming for a Desktop version, so I guess the NWJS is the answer.

    I have no idea how to code such thing, I can try messing around of course (a nice way to learn) but with the all JSON file and how to deal with it sounds confusing to me.

    It's very cool that I'm not limited to the 3 letter extensions, sounds like I'll have lots of freedom with any name I would like to use as extension! :)

    If there any chance any of you guys can make a most basic C3 file example to SAVE & LOAD with unique file extension for Desktop (NWJS) so I can explore how it's done and learn from it, it will be extremely helpful!

    I hope it's not confusing as it sounds to me (noob), but you guys really encouraged me with the solutions! thank you so much and thanks ahead for any file example that may show me the way.

    BTW - Since my goal is to make NWJS (.exe) for Windows, will it also work for MAC and Linux with no problem?

  • Hi All,

    I'm working on a creation tool software, basically the user creates objects, place them around, manipulate them, etc..

    I want to let the users the option to SAVE EVERYTHING so they can come back later, and keep manipulating.

    There are 2 questions I would like to start with:

    1. Which SAVE option should I use? (I never used one, I believe there are few options to do so)

    2. How can make the file extension UNIQUE to what I like for example: MyTest.dan

    Before I start using C3 people told I don't have that amount of freedom in this game-engine so I should use Unity or other game engine that is more dynamic and won't limit me before I waste my time and money.

    To be honest, I'm not sure if this is true or not.

    but here I am with a dynamic file name that I want to let the user to SAVE and LOAD to my own software, so windows also will be able to recognize it if you Double Click on the file it will open and load the file (just like we run C3 files or any other file).

    If you can guide me or help me out here I'll appreciate it, I have a lot more to learn about C3 so if possible Please explain in basic terms or step-by-step, it will be VERY helpful!

    Thanks ahead! :)

  • This is amazing AllanR thanks for taking the time and sharing, I appreciate it!

    The code looks very scary to me on a rough look (I'm such a Noob!) but I will have to look in to it more carefully in order to follow and understand how it works, I hope it's not complex or confusing because I'm not into Copy/Past but actual understand, learn and get better by keep developing a step-by-step.

    I already added to my system many things such as rotate, scale, delete, z-order etc.. but I believe that these are the easy stuff compare to build such impressive selection-system like yours!

    Once again, THANKS! (it works very well)

  • you can add another condition to mouse over rock, and choose "Pick Top/Bottom" (it is way down at the bottom of the add condition window).

    I made a quick test to select and move several objects at the same time...

    it is not nearly complete, but shows one approach - but if you are not a programmer, then it will be tricky to make it fully functional. If I have time I might work on it some more in the next day or two...

    Yes this is what I did on the edit on my early post, thanks AllanR! :)

    The other issue I'm scratching my head is the DRAG ALL... or if I could "PAN" around all the instances on the layout to move them as I wish while dragging that's another great option!

    Any ideas? suggestions?

  • Thank you so much for the detailed explanation Nepeo!

    Since I'm not a programmer there are many things that are still not very easy for me to accomplish, my thinking is very logical, but anyway the "Pick All" option sound interesting, maybe even a solution to drag all the instances on the screen?

    I did try some tests now, but of course nothing worked and it was ignored it since I'm not really sure what I'm doing, reading the documents isn't visual enough for me to learn such things also as you probably noticed English isn't my native language.

    I also have another issue when the mouse is over 2 or more objects, when I press the "DEL" key it deletes ALL the instances behind (Z-Order related)

    They are all in the same layer, but is it possible to make only if the MOUSE OVER the most TOP Layer instance to be deleted?

    Thanks ahead! :)


    Thanks to your explanation I made the TOP LAYER picked to work:

    Now I can manipulate the top instance only which is great!

    Can you please help with the MULTIPLE Drag all the instances at the same time?

    This is a bit tricky for me to solve.

  • Actually I'm still drawing them but I don't think it matters what they look like since it's just rocks in different sizes and shapes after all.

    The drag is based on a sprite anyway so the shape won't matter as long as I can somehow select the sprites TOGETHER instead dragging one by one... which is really primitive and useless.

    If it helps the screen resolution of the layout I use is Full HD 1920x1080 so I can put many rocks around, move them around as I wish but again... one by one.

  • Since I'm using the DRAG & DROP behavior, after I have multiple instances on the screen.

    Is there a way to SELECT ALL and drag them together instead one after one?

    I don't think there is a built-in action for such basic thing, but maybe I missed it... ?

    Thanks ahead!

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  • You can make it even cleaner - one action:

    Set size to (Self.Width+1, Self.Height+1)

    As I explained before, since my object is not in 1:1 Ratio, when using the width and height the scalling is twisting into a weird shape unlike the Scale option. :)

  • Alon

    you have to increase the Size variable. Since it starts at 1, and you don't change the variable, your code will always set the scale to 1.01

    on mouse wheel up, add 0.01 to the Size variable, then set the scale to Size.

    Thank you AllanR it works PERFECT!

    If anyone would like to see it visually, here is the code after I followed your solution:

  • I tried this, and it WORKS! but... it only affects ONCE...

    I created an Instance Variable for the Rock and called it: "Size"

    It's initial number = 1

    The Problem:

    When I scroll UP for example, it will only SCALE it once, and when I keep scrolling it won't continue.

    As you can see the code is very simple so I hope there's a way to fix the "ONLY ONCE" issue.

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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