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  • OK I am creating a sandbox pinball editor and I want my users to be able to create objects using their C2 and save those as sprites and I want my editor to import that sprite file to be used.

    I have never loaded an image into a sprite before and nothing I do seems to be working.

    I created an empty sprite on screen and used:

    Keyboard on P pressed

    Load image from "sprite.png"

    Nothing happens.

    Where does the image have to be stored? I assumed it would go in the files section but can you choose where to load it from and create a separate file?

    I am sure this is such an easy thing but I am just not getting it!

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  • The only issue with that is the same drawback as with the plugin. You can't click them both at the same time (at least not as is).

    Yup Burvey you are right and that won't work for my pinball game but might help people wanting to use shift keys for other games.

    I switched to Left Shift and Control for my game and that works well.

    Just so people know- not all keys are fast repeating keys like the arrow keys and they have a built in lag after you press so if you want to use fast repeater keys the shift and control and tab keys are fast repeaters for games.

    If you want to hold a button down with no lag time after the first press use those keys.

  • I looked at your CAPX.

    Your score texts are working but you are not changing the number because the game is not being played and adding anything to the score so it just keeps putting Zero in the text box over and over.

    Add these two lines at the bottom of your events to see what I mean:

  • Haha, it's really coming along nicely. I can't wait to be able to customize the tables!

    OK I got most of those glitches fixed. Next update will have left shift and control for your keys and those don't have the delay and work better. Just have to figure out what locks the ball but time for a nap.

  • It's awesome man.

    Thanks- the Z and / keys have a slight delay built in that arrow keys do not have and that causes the ball to sometimes go through the flippers. I will switch it to left shift and control and that should fix that problem.

    Once in awhile the plunger gets stuck on a ball. I will have to trace down what is causing it. Only does it once in a great while.

    Did you notice I fixed the plunger laser dot so it stays put now lol!

    The bump feature is not noticeable unless the ball is in play and you only get two bumps a game. I also forgot to set it to work on the second ball so I will get that fixed.

    The save feature does not work if you tilt. I might change that.

    The game over text only appears after you use up all balls but I may need to check what is happening with the second ball. That may not trigger the save feature.

    Ok I have my projects to work on for the day because of you Burvey

  • Updated Pinball Sandbox with Simpson's Theme Fan Game:

    I also tweaked the flipper and ball for better finite control and added some grit to the ball so you can aim it very accurately. You can really control the ball about as well as in real pinball now with a little practice.

    The game scoring and missions are still in development but you can see where I am headed.

    I am working on the editor and also a mobile version and flat screen editor version for people that want to design their own games.

    I have a website set up now so I can start promoting the game and sandbox editor when it is finished:

    This is as real as virtual pinball gets!

    I am designing a pinball sandbox program that will allow uses to design their own pinball games with real action physics and users can change materials, scenes and settings and even create their own obstacles and components.

    The game is stable with only a few minor glitches and the leader board is working.

    Report any bugs in the comments and tell me what you think of the sandbox design concept and any ideas you have for features to add please.

  • try


    Right on Korbach- you are the man!

    Why hasn't someone done a tutorial on this or maybe they have?

    Ashley should include a function in the next update to read those keys.

    Now I can plug that in to my game tomorrow and make some old school pinballers happy and get them off my neck lol!

  • I know the keycode for both shift keys are the same (16), so I don't think it's possible. Not easily anyway.

    Edit: I dug up these old posts. Not sure if they'll help or not though.

    Thanks and that is what I suspected. Maybe Ashley will figure it out for a C2 update.

  • This question is because I am designing a Pinball Sandbox game that will allow users to create their own realistic pinball games and share them with friends.

    I have the game set up to use arrow keys and I will addd touch and mouse control but old school pinballers like to use the Shift keys as that is what is used in Visual Pinball.

    The problem is C2 just reads both keys as shift so I had to use Z and / instead and I would like to use the shift keys if possible.

    So has anyone got any ideas and maybe this is something Ashley can bring up as a fix for C2?

    Here is my Demo:

  • I wouldn't even worry about making money from your games. Do it for the enjoyment and education as you improve your design skills.

    I have been designing computer games since I was 15 on a Vic 20. That is 20KB of RAM to work with. Think about that?

    I sold a couple many years ago and now getting back in to it with C2 because it is easy to master and has lots of features.

    If your game is good put it on the arcade and post it here in the forum and get feedback.

    Once you have a hundred or so games under your belt with some good ratings you might be ready to consider making a game for money.

    This is my latest creation a Pinball sandbox game that I will design so people can create their own pinball designs and share them with their friends.

    I am hopeful that game will make me a little money but if not I had a great time designing it and learned a lot and helped other people along the way.

  • When I played a second game, I got to ball 2 then it got stuck. The ball was in the home position, I could pull the plunger, but the ball wouldn't move.


    I will have to look through the events and see if I can recreate the problem.

    That variable speed plunger requires some fancy footwork to avoid it being used when the ball is not in the chute.

    How do you like the new graphics?

  • lamar

    change it like this

    Yes and if you are replacing another sprite use the Destroy command.