love the simpsons board.
i think i may be experiencing repeated ball pass throughs on the flippers because i am a chrome tab ****** does having a lot of tabs open negatively affect the physics performance?
cannot wait for the flat table editor.
i can see younger kids and older ones having a 'ball' with this.
Thanks Harrio- Yes having tabs open that refresh takes the computer off task and will cause more ball misses. It is not a problem in the stand alone version. I realized that because I also have many tabs open that are refreshing all the time.
That is why PS and Xbox were developed as dedicated game machines with quad processors so they don't get distracted with other computer tasks and miss a collision or event and they are only focused on the game.
I have the flat screen editor done and just designing components but as usual I got distracted and started another project. It is a platformer editor called Spelunker that lets the user design their own platform game with wall, floors, traps, switches and collectables and move from one area to the next.
The user will be able to save and share their platformer design and edit it any time. The characters can slide, climb jump, fight and interact with other characters and you will select the character you want to play as. There will be enemies and bosses and lots of tricks.
Anyway, I have that going on today but I will get the pinball editor up and running this weekend.
Have a great weekend!
ADDED: The first few pinball layouts I have designed are for younger players that just want to hit the ball around and make things light up and hit targets. As I progress I will design some games with a mission to accomplish and more serious play action requiring more aim and shoot.