grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • What is a good way to create pop up data entry forms. I'd like to simulate declaration and entry of sprite properties which are then stored in dictionaries

  • Thank you.

    Let me read up on containers so i understand your suggested method.

  • Hi is it in principle possible to query during runtime of a game the instance variables defined for an object in some generic way.

    intsead of a dictionary i want to use C3 own object store to store and retrieve data as well as learn about object name and properties.



  • and the properties ...

  • Yes, that is what i do ...

    I thought that there needs to be some condition to cause onShoot to happen more often. It seemed as if onShoot only happened once.

  • Hello,

    I managed to spawn a bullet when a target was acquired. However, the bullet only shots once -- as if acquision only happens once.

    I also tried to unacquire immediately after shot but this didnt cause a reacquire and shoot again.

    what am i missing to get the turret should many times until some condition is met?



  • Strange ...

    I now redid the layout -- basically creating a new layout main2, and then copying-pasting each layout element to the new layout ... then "moving" the associated event sheet to the new layout -- and the visual issue disappeared.


  • Hello,

    I wrote an interactive animation last year, and everything was fine. Today I decided to continue working on it and notice that the visual layout is all messed up.

    No matter what version I open, they are all messed up as if cut into large puzzle pieces.

    Also, I can't identify the source of the "cuts" -- moving around sprites and background its simply not there to be selected.

    Now I notice it happens when i move sprites around in the layout -- so its not a runtime thing ... perhaps a browser thing -- i will try to switch from edge to something else.

    Edit: I now switched browser -- and the problem persists -- also, its for background and listboxes that somehow when overlaying other objects cuts white triangles into them.

    Its as if the rendering engine does that ...

    Was there any upgrade that could explain this issue. Is this something known?

    Below is a sample

    all suggestions are much appreciated.


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  • Perfect! thanks.

  • Hello,

    I have a sprite with two images in two frame. Frames are all stopped, i.e. they don't run, so to change the frame requires a set frame action.

    I have a toggle button, and when i press the button i basically do a set frame (1 - sprite.animateframe) which works well.

    However, i actually wanted to have a spriteState boolean instance variable and control the set frame with the variable and conditions on the toggle button event.

    But, i can't get this to work -- the event loop, once it sets the boolean to true, the next event condition is true and then it sets it to false.

    I.e. how can i create a toggle within the event loop


  • Is it possible to access the accelerometer to measure acceleration?

    If its not directly possible, can it be done using javascript, possibly, with a library that provides direct hw access -- does something like this exist?


  • ok, so playing with this some more ...

    I didn't set the original viewport size according to the notebook but to the large monitor -- interestingly, they do share the same aspect ration, but this still creates black borders on the notebook and (almost) none on the external monitor.

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