Main Layout visual broken -- after a year of upgrades

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  • Hello,

    I wrote an interactive animation last year, and everything was fine. Today I decided to continue working on it and notice that the visual layout is all messed up.

    No matter what version I open, they are all messed up as if cut into large puzzle pieces.

    Also, I can't identify the source of the "cuts" -- moving around sprites and background its simply not there to be selected.

    Now I notice it happens when i move sprites around in the layout -- so its not a runtime thing ... perhaps a browser thing -- i will try to switch from edge to something else.

    Edit: I now switched browser -- and the problem persists -- also, its for background and listboxes that somehow when overlaying other objects cuts white triangles into them.

    Its as if the rendering engine does that ...

    Was there any upgrade that could explain this issue. Is this something known?

    Below is a sample

    all suggestions are much appreciated.


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  • Strange ...

    I now redid the layout -- basically creating a new layout main2, and then copying-pasting each layout element to the new layout ... then "moving" the associated event sheet to the new layout -- and the visual issue disappeared.


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