Cascade Games's Recent Forum Activity

  • Stages of multiplayer development:

    1. Accept that latency is a thing that exists. This means that no two peers will ever see the exact same thing at the exact same time. It is basically physically impossible.

    2. Design around it. This includes local input prediction, which means a peer will receive feedback for their inputs locally before the host or any other peer receives the information that they have input anything at all, and lag compensation, where the host validates that peer inputs and actions, which actually happened in the past, are valid.

    Interpolation is also important, but the multiplayer plugin takes care of most of that for you so you don't have to worry too much about it.

    In general, you're going to want to decide who sees what, separately, because no one will be seeing the same thing at the same time.

    Thanks. I learned many important points

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  • Does anyone know the state of the list of devices that we tried to compile?

    It could be good to send it to the chromium devs even though it may only contain one device πŸ˜…

    I hope the issue will be solved. It's a bit problematic to release on android as long as the jankiness exists.

    Let me know if I can help, even though I don't have any android devices.

    Not related to the topic,was doggy able to eat the whole pizza ?

  • > Basically, WebView sucks

    Did you export your app from latest C3 beta? Does it still display jankiness?

    As far as I know,his case is different. His mobile GPU is blacklisted. Nothing to do with our case. Our case is issue for all android users(some have janking issues).

    But if the android issue remains persistent,what will happen in future? I mean ,such things never happen with games made in other engines

  • Give your birth date,phone number, gender, and much more to test a game.

    Looks absolutely fine πŸ˜‚

  • Try this:

    Save TextBox.TextHeight to a variable.

    Temporarily increase textbox height (for example to 1000px) and save TextBox.TextHeight to another variable, then revert textbox to its original height.

    Compare two variables. If their values are the same, then the text fits. If the second value is bigger, it means the text doesn't fit.

    Brillant !!! Thanks Buddy !!!

  • I want to detect dynamically whether the text set to text box is fitting inside it or it is overflowing and rest of the text is invisible

  • Just a random try

    1.) Add a transparent Sprite on top of the water tile where you want to disable collision(size should be little less than size of tile otherwise it will interfere with neighbor tiles). Where you are using "collision for water tile" ,add another event "Sprite not overlapping water tile".

    I may be wrong πŸ˜‚

  • I gave a check to the newest version and for me there are no lags. It is perfect now

  • Just a random tip

    Try exporting the app as "no minification"

  • Cascade Games

    For me, my iOS device is running construct games fine. I don’t notice any difference between chrome and the Cordova app.

    I'm using iPhone 11. It would be more interesting if anyone has an iPhone 6 or 7 that could be used for testing.

    Good to hear that. Thanks πŸ‘

  • tarek2 can you please test this file on you mobile (both in browser and APK form)

    Also,a small point to be remembered:- before export,in project settings, set loader style to "progress bar and logo"

    And if possible then please share the APK so that I can also test it

  • I do not exactly understand what is going on

    I just tested a game from "Your Construct 3 Creation". I installed a game and it was working smoothly (according to me). And that is much much times more complex than this simple example which is causing issues here

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Cascade Games

Member since 31 Jul, 2019

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