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  • Hello,

    when I launch my project via CocoonJS everything is fine... BUT

    when I compile it on and then instal it on one of my android devices all I can see is just LUDEI LOGO screen and than nothing, just a black screen.

  • in that case I dont get that advice :)

    "instead of 1280x720 rather target 16:9 ratio" so instead of 1280x720 I can use 1280x720 ?

  • vtrix

    no I didnt, it shows only LUDEI logo on the 1st screenshot and black screen on the 2nd one.

    conecring I have already tried this but I couldnt figure out how to open my .apk project, everytime I try to open it after the instalation it says "Unfortunately, (app) has stopped"

    Anyway, can someone explain something to me? In Ashleys tutorial Supporting multiple screen sizes - he says that instead of 1280x720 res. I should target the 16:9 aspect ratio, but 1280x720 IS 16:9 ratio right? So I could let my windows size 1280x720?

  • retrodude

    yeah I know but it also depends on the Window Size.. in Ashleys tutorial

    • it says that I can set any 16:9 resolution but when I use for example 640x360 or 1024x576 it makes significant difference (empty white bars along sides) in all three android devices I own.
  • nothing? How u guys test your android games? I supposed you dont have all android devices at home :)

  • thats not the answer I was waiting for..

  • concerning that emulator, how to load the android app saved in my pc?

    btw it looks quite complicated..

  • Is there some kind of software or website where you can test your android app on many devices?

    I would appreciate especially screenshots from different devices in order to know whether my screen resolution is fine...

    I have already tried but their sreenshots are just black screens nothing more...

  • Which one has lower effect on FPS?

    When you have events like this:

    1) -> On touched sth ->> Create object on layer ? at X,Y (then destroy it)


    2) -> On touched sth ->> Set object Visble (then set it back at being invisible)

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  • got it, thanks guys...

  • Hello,

    I will explain my situation on the following example:

    When I click on for example "Level 2" button I want to set my textObject to 300 and when I click on "Level 15" button the textObject has to be set to 150 for example. Its quite easy, no problem - BUT what if I create the RESTART button?

    When I click it I want those textsObjects to be set to its default values.

    So when clicked on restart in the level 2 text has to be 300 again (because during the level it will be falling to 0)

    How to do this? How to restart a specific global variable in a specific level?

  • can someone upload the example with webstorage? I cant figure it out...

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