trance's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey guys,

    I am a little bit confused about exporting a game via CocoonJS and put it to Google Play.

    So I have 3 questions:

    1) Am I allowed to compile my project via CocoonJS and put it to GooglePlay for free?

    2) Am I allowed to compile my project via CocoonJS and put it to GooglePlay for money?

    3) Am I allowed to compile my project via CocoonJS and put it to GooglePlay using AdMob advertisement ?

    I have heard something about limitations concerning Ludei premium account but like I said, I am confused,I dont understrand ..

  • The key that exists is a webstorage thing..

    on start of layout

    - webstorage: Local/session key exists

    -- don't show object

    -webstorage: Local/session key does not exist

    -- show object

    -- webstorage: Set local/session value

    oh I see..alright thn I will try that, thanks

  • should be something like:

    on the beginning of the layout if key does not exist show object and create key

    if key does exist - don't show object..

    yes but it wont work when I close the app or game and launchit again right? because it wont remember that the key exists, the values will be default again.. thats why i think the Webstorage should be used but dont know how

  • Hey gus,

    I would like to display an object at the very beginning of a layout BUT ONLY ONCE ! So when I quit my game a launch it again, the object doesnt appear on that layout because it was already viewed during the previous launch.

    Maybe something like a tutorial screen, it also does not appear everytime you launch some game.

    I guess it will be done with Webstorage feature but I dont know how.


  • downloading and reinstalling java doesnt work, nothing changes... thats weird..

  • Oh God, I am so lost..nothing seems to work..

    I even reinstalled my whole PC, so there is no useless software just drivers (graphics, audio etc..) the ONLY things I installed is Construct 2 and JAVA 7 Update 60 (64 bit) and nothing ! Same errors over and over again !

  • I already did- - but no right solution was suggested...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • tried that too..nothing

  • I tried r169 and r170 and still nothing..

  • I am not, I even reinstalled my Win 7 and installed Java again... the problem still persists..

  • Everytime I want to export my project, some bug screen appears and there is nothing I can do to finish it. AllI can click on is - Ignore, Repeat or Cancel, none of these buttons will eventually export my project. Doesnt matter to which device I want to export the project - Android or iOS or Web ...

    Everytime I get these errors - and

    However, when I export with the minify script "UNCHECKED", it will export the project without any problems.

    I have Java installed (x64 version for Win 7 64 ) and verified.... I also tried to install both versions (32 + 64) and nothing..

  • OK so the problem is in the minifying script...but I dont know how to make it work, Java is installed but everytime I tried to export with minifying on I got those errors (see above)

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Member since 3 Jul, 2013

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