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  • i know but i am not sure whether i get that... If you could modify that capx and link it to me I would be grateful...

  • yes but when I will add some kind of Game Over function (for example -> brick.Count = 0    -->   Game over) it will restart also my Highscore when I want to play again..

  • I dont want my Highscore to restart every time I start play. When I achieve 100 points I want those points to be visible until someone achieves more than 100 points.

  • I used webstorage man... Look at my capx...

    But there has to be an error somewhere...

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  • but it also restarts Highscore and thats something I dont want to...

    Dont you know how to keep the highest amount of Highscore?

  • Hello,

    every time I destroy "brick object" it adds 1 point to Score and also 1 point to Highscore. But when I want to play this level again it keeps counting where it ended.

    I need 2 things to do:

    • reset score when I start play again (BUT keep that score when I move to another level -> counting here is OK)
    • keep the highest amount of Highscore whatever level I play - never reset it

    Look at thic capx please... .capx

  • also I forgot to mention that I want to use Webstorage...

  • Hello,

    I have made Top Ten Highscores project accrodeing to this tutorial ->

    but I also want to set the name of each player to the particular score, score in numbers is just not enough.

    When the GAME OVER layout appears I want some TextBox to appear in order players could type their name and that name has to appear near their score in the SCORE layout. How to do it please? I didnt solve this problem...


  • did you solve this problem?

    I would like to know how to do this too...

  • yes i know that but it will be spawned on every start of layout right? I need just the FIRST start !

  • Hey,

    how to make tutorial features in my game? I mean when you for example start a new game I would like to have some arrows pointing at a particular place so the players will know what to do in order to start play.

    Or at least tell me how to spawn an object on start of layout - > but only on the FIRST start of layout..

  • not sure what you mean by this examining memory mean in construct 2 or where .. ?

    the most strange part is that those 30fps is even if my whole project is 1 simple small sprite (tested on many devices)...

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Member since 3 Jul, 2013

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