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  • anyone can help? or is it absolutely normal that portrait has 30fps (with 1 sprite) and landscape 60 fps (full game)?

  • such a simple thing to do...ok problem solved, thx

  • im not sure what do you mean by this action set the scoretext...could you be please more specific?

  • Hello,

    I created GLOBAL variable called Score with initial value 0.

    Like this:

    OBJECT - on collision with OBJECT2 > OBJECT2 destroy

                                                                    > System - Add 1 to Score

                                                                    > ScoreText - Set text to Score

    and the same on the second Event sheet + Layout 2.

    When I destroy the OBJECT2 and then move to Layout 2, the score bar starts again with value 0. I want it to start with the previous value from Layout 1.

    What is interesting --> when I finished with score 20 and in the next Layout I kill monster for another 20 points it shows 40 but initial value (on start layout) is 0 and no 20 from previous layout

    Where is problem?

  • nobody knows ? is it even possible?

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  • Hello,

    when I touch some sprite on my mobile device (and something happens) I want that touch function to be disabled after the first touch...

    For example, when I touch some button -> object starts to rotate -> here I dont want that button to be touched again, simply I just want to disable it after the first touch input.

    How to do it?

  • it is really weird... Even when I create a completely new project a put just a simple small sprite there, then export it via CocoonJS and test it on my mobile and tablet devices, it shows only 30fps max in the Portrait mode..

  • Hello,

    Has anyone experienced this? I mean when you launch your project via CocoonJS Launcher in the Portrait mode it has only 30fps (even if that project is just a small blue picture and nothing more) and in the Landscape mode it has 60fps (even if the project is a finished game)

  • really nobody has never experienced this? ?

  • when I run my game via cocoonJS Launcher (with Portrait orientation set) it looks like this ->

    I had to draw it for better understanding it is the landscape orientation but in portrait orientation device... so it fills only half of my screen.

    my resolution in Project Properties is 1280x720x

    do you know how to fix this?

  • read what the user called Budgie wrote in this topic ->

  • oh ok i didnt know that there is no option to lock the orientation....

    but when I run my game via cocoonJS Launcher (with Portrait orientation set) it looks like this ->

    I had to draw it for better understanding it is the landscape orientation but in portrait orientation device... so it fills only half of my screen.

    my resolution in Project Properties is 1280x720

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