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  • well i was exporting without any problem in previous versions - r150-r160 then I stopped and when I decied to start using C2 again, I updated to 170 and suddenly errors appeared...

    I also tried to install the newest version of C2 to another PC and there were export problems again...

    I got Java installed but dont know what minify is ... HOWEVER - it works without minify..

  • Error during exports

    Everytime I want to export my project, some bug screen appears and there is nothing I can do to finish it. AllI can click on is - Ignore, Repeat or Cancel, none of these buttons will eventually export my project. Doesnt matter to which device I want to export the project - Android or iOS or Web ... I tried R170 and R168 -> doesnt work

    No capx necessary

    I cannot upload any capx because that "export error" appears even in an absolutely empty project..

    Bug screens

    1st bug screen

    2st bug screen (when I click Repeat)

    Steps to Reproduce Bug


    Export project

    HTML5 Website, Android, CocoonJS - doesnt matter

    Bug Screens

    Expected Result

    Exported project..

    Affected Browsers

    FireFox: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 Home Premium 64

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • How to adjust android game for bigger (tablet) resolutions ?

    The game or the menu itself is never adjusted to bigger resoltuion, there is always empty space at the bottom of the screen.

    Is there some way to center it?

  • Hey guys..

    On many mobile device my ground object (an object where all characters are walking on) .. is never on its default place... On one device it is OK, the second one barely shows it (just the tip of the object is revealed, the most of it is hidden) and the third device places this object almost to the middle of its screen...


    No matter what I do, the ground object is never on its place..I could solve it with the achor behaviour but in that case every single object put on the ground object (like a main character) wont be on its place (like the ground object without the anchor behaviour)

  • You are probably going to give the character some behaviours in the future, right?

    To change it you could pin the player to the pavement, or set the player to pavement.y on start of layout, but this would probably give you issues later on when the player gets his behaviours.

    I use anchor behaviour only for hud/gui elements within a game, which is what it is meant for in my eyes.

    initially I didnt want to use the anchor beh. for the ground object but when it was without this behaviour it was always on different places like the figure object...

  • Hey guys,

    I have a little problem with keeping objects on their place...

    I created an object for ground (like a pavement), on this "pavement" I put some figure (as a main character) and here comes the problem. When I launch it via CocoonJS in order to see how it looks, the figure is not standing on the pavement but it is a little bit above it (DEPENDING on a mobile device I tried in because of their resolutions) ..


    The ground object has the anchor behaviour so it always has to be placed at the bottom of a mobile device. The figure object does not have any behaviour.

  • CocoonJS - 30-40fps

    Crosswalk - 10-20fps

    terrible thing...huge disappointment..

  • Ashley

    OK I finally found out what is the problem.

    When you set Physics engine (CocoonJS object) to Accelerated and then launch it via CocoonJS launcher - everything is fine

    BUT when you set it to Acclerated and then compile it in cocoonjs-cloud-service and launch it on your android devices = BLACK SCREEN !

  • yes that was the problem... Honestly I didnt even know that there is such an option...

    Thank you

  • I noticed that when I copied some objects and events from the old project .capx to the new one .capx - touch function in my browser doesnt work then... I just keep clicking on any button but nothing happens. In the old project it works fine.

    And on my android devices everything works fine as just doesnt work in my browser.

    Why is that so?

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  • I insert a new sprite to my project on a layer with 0,0 paralax and add the Anchor behavior to it (Left Edge = Window left & Top Edge = Window top)

    but when I press F5 in order to look at the result, it didnt move at all and stayed on its default position.

  • not sure what Debug log u mean Ashley...

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Member since 3 Jul, 2013

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