GameeApp's Recent Forum Activity

  • FYI I have removed my games, Space Escape, and Close Encowters.

    Since I have not received any word back about any interest in publishing to the Gamee platform, and you did not give anyone credit anyway, leaving them seems pointless.

    Thanks for this "opportunity".

    Hi guys,

    sorry for the delay, I was out for a week personally, so I got to send out my replies just now. We have sent out messages to the devs whose games we think would work nicely on the platform.

    newt check your inbox :)

    For the rest, I would like to say - thank you once more! I know we could have done many things better in this jam but we have learned from those mistakes.

    Hopefully, we get to make another round soon - this time, no plugins, no framework implementation. Just you and a theme, ideally some that you can vote on before the Jam starts.

    We'll be back soon!


  • I am not unsatisfied because I did not won, but I am unsatisfied because I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT MY submissions were much better. Atleast better than the games selected. Really, the result is completely pathetic. The theme was "battle with friends". Now the theme seems like irony.

    Open challenge :- give me a solid reason that why any of my 10 games did not even break the barrier? Really, this is too much. I wasted 5 days on a game jam and it is my right to ask this. If you win, then I will pay for the whole game jam

    Lets see whether this Prague company have guts to accept my challenge

    to Abhishek Thapliyal:

    I'm sorry you feel this way, we do those Jams because we want to give back to the community of game developers. There is no profit for us. The judges who decide about those games are well known in the industry, just google them.

    I won't post your games here, you can do that if you wish.

    I was not one of the judges, but I have played all the games submitted. So here is my opinion.

    You have to realize, even if you submit 100 games, it is not about quantity. It is about quality. Your games had interesting mechanics but were lacking in other areas - no sounds, no animations, very poor graphics to say at least (Comic Sans? Come on...). And you haven't implemented the theme of the Jam at all.

    I hope this explains the situation.


    Head of Games at GAMEE

  • Hi to everyone! My game didn't get on the Participants list, maybe I just sent it out of time, idk.

    But I want to share my game here:

    Lightsaber Training

    If you play with mouse, hold the left button and move the cursor. In mobile, just touch the screen. Swing the saber to protect your energy(at bottom) and deflect lasers to destroy drone-balls. If your laser reach the top of screen, the lasers will spawn at the ghost replay of your opponent!

    If you destroy drones quickly, at the ghost replay of your opponent, the drone will explode too. So, be quick to prevent your enemies from reach your highscore.

    Hope you like it.


    Hi man,

    I do apologize for the missing game on the website - our website developer simply failed to add it. I remember your game, it did quite well in overall ranking, I think I saw it around 10th place!

    I'll make sure the game is on the website soon as well.

    Sorry once again,


  • Construct Jam Vol. 2 - Results 👻

    Hi guys,

    the time has come! We have the results for you!

    First of all, we would like to thank everybody who submitted their games - we love your creativity and ideas, it is always a pleasure and something that we are looking forward to the entire year.

    We realize this year it might have been a bit harder, but we have learned our lessons and next time, we will be back with an even better experience!

    So, without further ado, here are the best games of this Jam, as voted by the judges!

    Construct Jam Vol. 2 Results

    1. Tamachi Jump

    2. Don't Trip the Teckel

    3. Cats vs. Dogs

    4. Greatest Element

    5. Waiting Planet

    6. In Mexico Royale & Sunset Opacity

    Congratulations to the winners!

    We will be posting all the games submitted to our website over the weekend as well.

    Feedback Wanted

    We are making those Jams for you, developers and players - we would like to get some feedback from you so we know what to improve for the next time.

    If you can spare a few minutes, we would appreciate your feedback.

    Thank you all, it was a pleasure! If you have any additional feedback for us, feel free to reach to

    Always keep playing!

    Martin & GAMEE Team

  • AnD4D

    Sorryyyyyy :)

  • Hi guys,

    we have had a lot of request for a few more days and since we realize that making the game work with our Emulator is not the easiest thing, we decided to push it back a bit!

    We are giving you a few extra days to finish your work, last chance to submit your games is until Saturday

    20th of July 2019, midnight of UTC

    The winners will be announced on the 26th of July, both on our website and on Scirra's Blog!


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    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • You can get the userID by calling the action "Request Player Data" or Player's Friends userID "Request Social" then you will receive a JSON with the player data :

    {name:"playerName", firstName: "John", lastName: "Wick", highScore:1000, avatar:url, userID: 123456, coins:1000}

    Then you can use the userID for "Request Player Replay" or "Request Player SaveState"

    Check this JS Wiki for better understanding or the Construct Documentation :

  • Thanks newt for the reply :)

  • Nope, but the platform returns 15 maximum, if you have more, it returns 15 friends that have the closest scores to you (better score than you)

  • Just to clarify what my colleague has written - the high score you get is indeed for your game, so for the sake of your approach, in-game leaderboard, this would work. I hope it helps!

  • newt hey there, can you join this slack ? so we will can help you

  • newt

    I've sent both the "share" score, and the "update score" and the emulator seems to only return random data.

    What do you mean by "the emulator seems to only return random data"? Because when you update the score or share something, the emulator does not return anything, it shows the updated score on the right, and when you share something, it shows you a Modal where you can trigger the Success or Failed Share events.

    Which one should be used to change the players "highscore" in the GAMEE.gameeSocialData ?

    GAMEE.gameeSocialData is a readOnly data, you can't change it, it contains other players data.

    Also, there's not much information on what or how the feed, or battle share should work.

    You just call the Action Share and it will post a Post on Gamee Platform, where people can challenge your score or watch your replay. Tell me, what you want to know exactly ?

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