— thanks for pointing those out, I shall add it to the webpage to clarify to answer you first:
1) It is an option - obviously we would like to publish winning games on GAMEE if authors of those games wish to do so (not mandatory though).
2) Yes, if the game is published on GAMEE, the licence is non-exclusive for games submitted in this competition.
3) For the competition itself, no (but we have cool prizes!). For future cooperation after the competition, that would be on case-to-case basis. If you are asking about the relationship with 3rd party developers in general, yes, there is monetary incentive based on performance of each game.
skymen we know it might be limiting, this restriction is due the platforms we distribute the games to... Most of our games are below 2 MB actually so it is doable
Valter Filho (hyper)casual games in general, we are excited to see what you can come up with, just please stay away from themes with blood, sex, violence, etc... (the game has to be PEGI 3)