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  • hello

    im trying to make an object that acts as a mouse cursor, and sits on a layer in the forground to all the gameplay action

    this layer needs to have a parallax value of 0,0 as its like HUD layer.

    i have an actor which i position to the mouse cursor, but as soon as the level scrolls anywhere, the object goes out of sync with the mouse cursor.

    is there some way to just set an object to where the mouse cursor is on screen? and ignore the parallax of the layer?

    thanks heaps if anyone can help...

  • hey thanks for replying.

    sorry i should have explained a bit better.

    the issue is its glitching and causing certain rows of pixels not be rendered.

    attached is an example of when it glitches and a comparison of when it works as intended

    so yes i want scanlines and a CRT looking effect to the screen, but i cant have certain rows of pixels not rendering

  • hi ive been developing this game in construct for a while now but i keep on running into problems when trying to do a retro CRT filter look

    im using a filter called 'lottes CRT'

    all the events for setting up shader effects and screen resolution modes are very complex, but i had them mostly working until i just tested my game on a new 3440x1440 monitor.

    the lottes CRT filter seems to miss certain horizontal lines entirely when rendering. attached is an example image of the title screens text option

    if anyone has any experience resolving these kinds of problems id be extremely grateful for any help!

  • Yeah, you can use this formula:

    Audio Set volume to log10(volumePercentage/100)*20

    Where volumePercentage is a value between 0 and 100

    Hey thanks agains for your help!

    ive run into another problem i was wondering if you could help me with.

    some of my music tracks & SFX files are too loud, so in the past i had just played them at -5 or -10dcb to try and balance them within construct rather than having to edit all the original audio files.

    the problem with playing a file at (log10(volumePercentage/100)*20)-10

    is that the additional -10 to balance my sounds is not logrythmic, so it tends to become muted before other sounds when adjusting.

    not sure if that makes sense. im basically looking for a way to adjust any given sound of mine so it plays at slightly less max volume, that will still logrythmically scale down to 0 volume(or -30dcb) when volume is brought down.

    thanks heaps again!

  • that works perfectly! thanks very much!

  • im trying to set up volume controls in my game, but because the engine uses decibles im having trouble making it a smooth volume gradient.

    eg. i would like it so volume set at 0 is mute, 50% is half of full volume, and 100% is maximum.

    i think decibles are logarithmic or something? so it needs some other approach to have normal volume controls?

    can anyone help with this?

  • thanks for your help guys! i think ive identified the problem tho. it turns out if a physics object has any animations, it will cause huge discrepencies in their movement over time. something due to the physics of the object being recalculated with each changing frame. ill try and get a project ready that demonstrates this

  • hello, ive been working on a game for a while now, and recently got a new laptaop with a 300hz monitor, and playing my project on this new system caused a lot of issues for my project.

    ive since fixed nearly all of them, but i have a flying enemy in the game that still just has very different movement patterns based on whether im testing on 300hz (eg. a 300 fps rate) or 60fps.

    ive tried setting the physics stepping mode to "framerate independant"

    ive tried only applying force to the enemies every X seconds instead of every tick.

    ive tried filtering the amount of force applied by the delta time (eg. instead of applying a force of 1, apply '60*dt')

    ive tried all of these, and in various combinations with each other that would make sense, and i still get significantly different plays with either framerate

    sometimes the difference in enemies speed doesnt make any sense, like its running at 80% speed when it should be running much slower

    has anyone else had these issues?

  • ive been working on a C2 game for about five years, i recently bought a new laptop with a 300hz monitor and then noticed my game runs way too fast now.

    checked debug and the game is indeed running at the FPS of the screen (300fps)

    this is causing all my physics objects to go crazy and general UI stuff to run too fast, while other parts seem fine

    i found this solution here which i tested on an exported build, by editing the json file adding to the chromium args "--limit-fps=60". but this doesnt seem to work for me.


    is there any clean solution to this? cant construct just limit the fps?

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  • hello,

    im trying to find a way to load random levels from my game to create a rogue-like kind of experience.

    i have hundreds of levels(as individual layouts) already designed and named, but i cant figure out how to choose a selection of those layouts and link them together for a playthrough.

    the only way that comes to mind is renaming all of them numerically and then generating random numbers to help select them (like making a "1-1","3-7" ect kinda naming convention or something)

    is there a way to randomly pick a layout based on some other property other than its name? or to generate a list of the layouts existing in your project? (and within a select folder?)

    thanks for your help!

  • hey thats great thanks very much!

    looks very complicated but i will try to figure it out

  • hello,

    what im interested in doing was making a kind of match 3 system, where a certain event will trigger when 3 or more objects of the same type are lined up adjacent to each other (like traditional match 3 games like columns ect)

    my thought was to give the objects a variable that is somehow set to the number of other objects overlapping at offset (4 different overlapping events to check left, right, above, and below positions)

    however it seems hard to do because it requires 'picking by evaluate' type events which i cant quite get right

    any help would be much appreciated!

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Member since 10 Aug, 2017

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