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  • nice, thanks again!

    yeah i agree it works almost perfectly, but if you look closely theres very occasionally some sort of mis calculation where a bullet will bounce unnaturally (ends up turning around 180* rather than turn 90 clockwise or counter cw)

    normally that wouldnt be a big problem, but the effect im going for in my game is a kind of rapid fire laser that bounces around corners. if a single bullet bounces off (which it will reliably given the number of bullet objects being fired) then it is very noticible

    thanks for your help again tho, perhaps a 'for each' event attached to it might stop it from happening, will play around with it more

  • thanks for sharing! thats a very interesting prototype..

    only thing is it doesnt seem to have the previously mentioned expression used in it. and the bullet didnt seem to restrict down to 4/8 directions.

    thanks for sharing tho its definitely an interesting approach, to check to see if a value is clockwise or not from an angle ect.

    i found an approach using platform movement on bullet object instead to interesting effect, and using "is on floor" and "is against wall" to test the angle that the bullet was hitting a wall from

    this is an example of the 4 directional diagonal movement i was trying to achieve


    thanks again

  • hey thanks for the reply!

    yes ive tried those kinds of equations too and they dont seem robust enough. for some reason even with that exact equation running every tick, the objects are able to slip out of the 45* lock.

    it also needs a different equation for if its restricting to only 4 diagonal directions. setting it to "(round/90*90)" and then just adding +45 to the angle doesnt work so well because your only rounding the angle up, if that makes sense

    thanks for your help tho!

  • ah i see, thanks for the feedback!

    yes i was refering to the second issue, the .exe im creating of my game being checked by the scanner.

    and no, its never come back with a false positive, it just takes up to 15 minutes to double check it and that would definitely be a problem if it was happening to people who bought the game

    is this a problem with all game development tools? that the developer themselves need to organise their own digital certificate? or is it more due to the fact construct itself doesnt export .exe files on its own?

    thanks again for your help!

  • hey just wanted to say how incredibly useful i found this software to be!

    i used it on my construct 2 project and seems to work really well in just bundling things up in a clean .exe

    my only concern was once i generate a .exe file, my virus checker gets a bit freaked out and needs to check the file. is my version not generating the proper digital certificate you mentioned before?

    thanks again!

  • im describing a bouncing object which can only move on 4 or 8 directions (will want both versions for my game). want to be able to restrict to say only diagonals, only horizontals, or horizontals AND diagonals.

    ive found a few solutions by using 'is object overlapping at offset', so i test whether the bullet it hitting a wall or a floor/ceiling, so the angle can be adjusted appropriately.

    (eg. if object is moving at an angle of 45*, if it hits a floor it turns to 315*, if it hits a wall to its right it turns to 135*)

    it works for the most part but has occaisional errors where it seems to bounce the wrong way.

    so was really looking for the most simple equation or simple method to handle this style of movement

    thanks for anyones help with this

  • it works really well lancifer! thanks again so much!

  • it seems really intuitive and straight forward, thats great!

    my only question is with initial Zip file that you use, how do you generate a '.nwjs.zip' file like the one in the tutorial video? is it as simple as just zipping up one of the folders that gets exported from construct 2?

    sorry for the questions, thanks again for your time

  • thats great, thanks heaps for the replies!

    was aiming for windows initially, but would want to release on mac too but ive heard NW.js has many problems with mac :/

    "Additionally, a C3 user created a small program that packages files into its own executable..."

    so this third option by the C3 user, do you mean this will work without a copy of C3? or will i need to bring my C2 project into C3 to export it, then use the packaging program?

    thanks so much for your help!

  • does anyone have any idea how to fix this? it really just seems like i cant change the app icon and im stuck with NW.js compass icon for my games. ive looked up other posts about similar problems but the solutions havent worked for me.

    i get that construct 2 is finished but ive been working on a few games on it for years and only just getting ready to release now.

    would really appreciate anyones help. thanks

  • Hi, was wondering if anyone could help me with this.

    im almost finsihed my game with construct 2, but when i go to export the project as a NW.js desktop application, the exported project doesnt use my custom app icons.

    by that i mean, i cant use graphics relevant to the game as icons instead of the default nw.js icon.

    all five of the default project icons have been updated to my own graphics.

    can anyone help me? would be much appreciated

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  • does anyone have any practical work arounds for this problem?

    i managed to fix it for the player object in my game by dividing him into multiple objects for collisions (the object with platform behaviour has a very short height, which reduces the problem, and his collisions with all other objects are handled by an object with more accurate height)

    but trying to solve the problem with platformer behaviour based enemies is really a big problem. i cant easily split them into multiple objects the way i did with the player object.

    i just still cant understand why the platform behaviour code works like this at all. when would a game developer ever want the player object to glitch on top of a platform ledge?

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