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  • to count tiles:

    little example of a vacuum mechanic, probably not really what you are trying to do though:


  • 72677 for just a small area sounds like an amount that will very likely lead to performance problems, I would suggest changing the game design to allow for larger dust particles.

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    It was a suggestion on the suggestion board and it is in line with some UK guidelines/laws for software that is used by minors iirc.

  • There have been tons of discussion of this topic on the community Discord and people are trying to solve it. Skymen touches on this a bit in this blogpost.

    Scroll down a bit to see that part about Pixel Art.


  • As you can create objects by name, same for deactivating folders etc. there is no way Construct can know what is used and what isn't.

    Little example to make it clear: imagine there is a text input and depending on what the player types the object with the matching name is created.

  • I have observed the text alignment to be inconsistent across platforms as well.

    But I sadly don't really now why or how to fix it. (I also don't have different devices to test)

    I just try to make sure the textbox is a good bit larger then the text and is in a place where slight misalignment isnt't that obvious.

  • Construct animate has exports that don't have a fixed framerat. So having it limited to a specific framerate is not realistic or desirable in certain cases.

    Secondly, watching a 24fps video on a common monitor (which is 60hz normally) will not result in even timing, certain frames would need to be shown longer than others.

    So imo framerate doesn't make sense for an overall project setting.

    Though I would love them to add a framerate limiter option. For Construct 3 as well, would be great for testing as well, I have a 144hz screen and can't test 60 fps easily.

  • I think it's confusing because it makes it seem like you are setting the fps for the project, which you are not by all means! You are only setting what the timeline markers and stepping references, secondly what if you want to have one animation at 12 fps the other at 24 in one project?

    The bar in Spine allows more incremental changes, it just snaps to the common resolution if you get close to them, like 24.08 it would snap to 24. In Construct it could just be a value field in the timeline Properties.

    I agree the speed thing is kinda redundant.

    And the Stepped, Interpolated is not easing. We already have a similar dropdown in Construct Timeline though (called Animation mode).

    Imo if you rename duration you would need to rename it to hold for duration or freeze for duration. As otherwise it would not imply correctly what you are supposed to set there.

    But I don't want to argue, I think it's completely fine to have different opinions on how to solve certain things, I just want to give my pov on this. So I hope you don't see this as an attack. :)

  • I reported this month ago, this has been the answer:


    you can still fold/unfold them by double clicking

  • I think, this will be more confusing than helpful imo, as people will start to wrongly assume that this limits frame-rate.

    I like the way spine solves it better, for spine all animations are also running at infinite framerate, but they also display frames instead of seconds in the timeline to be in line with traditional animation, animation teaching and rescourcess like "the animator's survival kit".

    They have this timeline menu:

    the timeline FPS slider magnetizes to common rates like 12,24,30,60 and changes the playback speed so the markers match up with the selected FPS, but it doesn't change the keyframes, markers or frames per second that are displayed when playing it back.

    The timeline looks like this, marked by frames.

  • A lot of times services use a different player/player ui when playing uploaded gifs versus videos (for example twitter, discord and this forum)

    Even if both are videos behind the scenes, often the gif player is prefered.

    -Usually the "gif"-player auto plays, loops and isn't letterboxed.

    -Video players often require a click to play, have an intrusive ui (scrub-bar, set audio volume, set full screen) and are sometimes letterboxed.

    Though I agree that video formats are superior, often you still want to upload it as an gif (and have the website/app convert it) just to get the different player.

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  • the large markers are seconds and small ones are tenth of seconds.

    how many frames there are in each second depends on the monitor framerate or the export setting. (the animation is interpolated/tweened, so frames in the sense of frame by frame animation doesn't make sense in this context)

    You would set the steps per second to something higher if you want to have a keyframe at a smaller interval or position that is offset from every tenth of a second for example.

    also good catch on the bug, probably best to report it properly here :)


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Member since 6 Jul, 2017

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