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  • Here I am listing the missing features that I expect from a paid animation focused software (not exhaustive, just what came to mind):

    1. Easier animating, preview and scrubbing of the camera movement (including 3d camera). This is important, especially if you would want to export to video. Currently you would need to go into preview mode to see this, which is a terrible workflow assuming you have complex camera movement and need objects to move in and out of the frame.
    2. Scrubbing in edit mode should show the current animation state by default. (like if ctrl is held). This is the case in any animation software that I have used iirc Edit: this has been adjusted.
    3. Export to image sequence and export with transparency in cases the animation is supposed to be used or composited in another software. Edit: Image sequence Export has been added
    4. Animate mesh deformation in the Timeline. (also next point)
    5. Animating large amount of mesh points would need some sort of mesh selection tool/mesh weights. (also next point)
    6. Bones that objects can be attached to and meshes that can be weight painted. (also next point)
    7. Inverse kinematics and forward kinematics for bones.
    8. frame by frame animation and timeline merged, or better cross integration for hybrid workflows (also next point)
    9. Onionskinning in the timeline for hybrid sprite and tween animations. Or at least a simple way of setting frames and animations in the timeline.
    10. The scrub bar should not be hidden behind the start and end line. (animation software often add a handle at the top of the bar) has been added
    11. Recording mode (or changes to edit mode) any change should automatically create a keyframe at the current scrub position.
    12. Dragging in the timeline should do a rectangle selection of keyframes. has been added
    13. Animating layer properties and effects in the timeline (if not possible already, I'm not sure).
    14. Alot of the useful timeline keyboard shortcuts require ctrl to be pressed, which makes them harder to execute. For a animation focused software where you would use them x times per minute that is bad ux. I understand why it is that way, as the edtior also uses the shortcuts without the ctrl.
    15. Button and shortcut for play from beginning. has been sort of added
    16. Better integration from a ux/ui pov of the ease editor into timelines.
    17. Particles etc. should automatically preview when playing a timeline animation with them.
    18. The current image editor seems to be lacking for an animation software now.
    19. Vector drawing tools and animation in timelines.

    If you want to look at some competition check out https://rive.app/ which is basically a free, aside from live collaboration, animation software targeting a similar niche.

  • nice, glad it's what you were looking for.

    :D I saw a lot of dublicate code and thought it's time for a function ;)

  • The tween behavior has the action tween value.

    So create a manager object with the tween behavior(or similar) and use:

    tween value from globalVariable to targetValue with "tag"

    Then use:

    while tween "tag" is running set globalVariable to managerObject.tween.value("tag")

  • set health to clamp(Self.Health-20,0,Self.maxHealth)

    no need to do the additional clamping of width etc.

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  • you can still observe stutter in any game at high-ish fps if the frame times vary alot.

  • Btw I updated the game with some band-aid fixes.

  • alextro

    Thank you for the feedback!

    I'll add some additional info to the menu that you can use any button.

    I see, I'll try to work on the sound effects, I had a bit of a problem that depending on the song and part of the song the sfx would not be audible and on quite parts too loud, so I would probably need to add a dynamic system that checks the audio peaking average around the last few seconds and adjusts the sound based on that.

    or just make it really low, but I think for game feel reason the hit sfx should be audible somewhat even during the drops.

    For the difficulty I think this is more so the problem that I didn't have the time to create more and easier beatmaps. Though I'll up the starting hearts and also change the lose sfx to be less mocking

    KryptoPixel thank you, I'll work on that!

  • I created a little one button rhythm game during a two week jam.

    Feedback would be appreciated! ty <3



  • "Layers can now turn off 'interactive' option so they don't respond to mouse/touch input"

  • If the object isn't in the layout, is locked or hidden it won't/can't have the common properties.

  • I would suggest you use this to get the index of the connected gamepad and store that in a variable you use for the controller inputs. This should automatically pick the correct gamepad as it is triggered when the user starts using the pad.

    From the documentation:

    "On gamepad connected

    Triggered when a gamepad device is connected to the computer. To prevent websites tracking you based on the available gamepads, most browsers supporting Gamepad input will report that no controllers are connected until a button is pressed on one of the devices, when On gamepad connected will also run.

    In this trigger, the GamepadIndex expression gives the index of the gamepad that was connected."


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