Construct Animate feedback thread

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  • The new "just press space to play and stop the timeline" is awesome, but it creates some questions about overall play/pause and stop workflow.

    First I want to define the terms I'm using just to avoid confusion:

    -play: play from the play-head (red line)

    -pause (icon: two paralled vertical bars): pause the play-back of the timeline and place the play-head to that position

    -stop (icon: rectangle): stop the playback and place the red line to the point where the playback started.

    Currently pressing space plays and stops the timeline.

    But instead I would prefer this solution:

    Dynamic play button: when the timeline plays, the play button becomes a pause button (and vice versa).

    Pressing Space plays and pauses instead of stopping.

    The stop button still exists but uses another shortcut.

  • Um are you going to add support for third party shaders?

  • I hope you are planning on making video export available to C3 because as is, using Animate to create videos using C3 files is next to impossible.

    You can't just delete layouts, behaviors, and third party stuff.

  • I tested the differences between the Video Recorder plug, and Animate, and they are about the same performance wise.

    That being said the performance on my system sucked.

    I know you don't want to hear it, but a 30 fps option is going to need to happen.

  • I tested the differences between the Video Recorder plug, and Animate, and they are about the same performance wise.

    You mean the video recorder plugin vs the video export option? Trust me, the video recorder absolutely tanks performance if you go with higher resolutions. Try recording something in 4k, the result is almost unusable.

  • > I tested the differences between the Video Recorder plug, and Animate, and they are about the same performance wise.

    You mean the video recorder plugin vs the video export option? Trust me, the video recorder absolutely tanks performance if you go with higher resolutions. Try recording something in 4k, the result is almost unusable.

    My results were tanks either way.

  • The video export is an offline encode option, which is a key difference to Video Recorder, which does a real-time encode. If the system can't keep up with Video Recorder, the game performance suffers and that can affect the content recorded. However with video export, the engine renders a frame, encodes it to video, and then advances the time by one frame, and continues. So the performance has no effect on the video content: it will always export perfectly smooth motion regardless of how fast or slow encoding is. And if you have a powerful system, depending on the export parameters, offline encoding can run much faster than real-time.

  • not sure if someone already requested this but making a GIF export would be pretty helpful for its always a nice lightweight way to post some animation.

    I made this into a GIF using many steps (AnimateExport Frames->Aseprite->GIF->ezgif to optimize)

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  • not sure if someone already requested this but making a GIF export would be pretty helpful for its always a nice lightweight way to post some animation.

    This is kind of a tricky thing to explain, but GIF is pretty much dead as a format. Anywhere you upload an actual .gif file, it will likely be immediately converted to a modern video format, as it makes for a far smaller file size. Construct could let you export a GIF, but the first thing you do with it will likely convert it back to a video, so you may as well use a video to begin with.

    It's possible to add GIF export, but there doesn't seem to be much point, especially since I've been working on supporting exporting MP4 videos which is a more widely supported format - e.g. I've noticed Giphy supports uploading MP4 but not WebM. So I suspect using an MP4 video export will do everything a GIF export would have done but better.

  • You already have export to images, so making a gif can be done third party, and with probably more options than an export could offer.

  • Btw, there is no indication the image sequence is in PNG format until after you download and unzip the files.

    It's mentioned in the documentation. I didn't want to call it "PNG sequence" since we may well add support for other image formats like WebP or HEIC. But there doesn't seem much point adding a dropdown with no choices in it - or maybe we should add it anyway to make it clearer?

  • the step is where the scrubbar and keyframes are positioned at/snap to.

    Like when you scrub the playhead it moves in steps based on that.

  • the large markers are seconds and small ones are tenth of seconds.

    how many frames there are in each second depends on the monitor framerate or the export setting. (the animation is interpolated/tweened, so frames in the sense of frame by frame animation doesn't make sense in this context)

    You would set the steps per second to something higher if you want to have a keyframe at a smaller interval or position that is offset from every tenth of a second for example.

    also good catch on the bug, probably best to report it properly here :)

  • Please do report issues to the issue tracker. Things only mentioned in the forum are easily lost and forgotten as there are hundreds of posts a week here. We also routinely find it's impossible to fix problems from brief mentions like that. We need more information to be able to help, which is why we have bug report guidelines - to make sure we get enough information to actually be able to help.

    In short you will have a much, much better chance the problem you are reporting is actually fixed if you file an issue following the guidelines.

  • I've filed 96 issues so far. It really isn't a big deal to do usually, takes like 2 minutes. And it improves Construct for everyone.

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