Construct Animate feedback thread

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Lots of 10 hour videos on Youtube, but of course they are loops spliced together, however with Animate you could do much more variety without having to make things seamless loops.

    So I tried 4, and it didn't even start.

    Two, and it gave the error.

    Then one hour didn't work either, but instead of the array message, when it finished it just reloaded the page with no content.

    Coincidentally what exports I do get seem to not be very compatible with third party software. The Mp4 export gave the splicer an audio error.

    I believe that length will be a limitation as the browser is set to only use 2 gigs of memory.

    I also believe exporting one time is easier than several.

  • You mean something like those Yule log fireplace videos? I promise you that they just take a short animation and just duplicate it over and over within the video editing software. You can also use different animation overlays to add some variety to it.

    I'm thinking more along the lines of vast cities, and landscapes in 3d etc.

    Uploading a couple of gigs isn't really an issue at least for people who have a decent isp.

    But again the browser doesn't even seem to be able to handle an hour.

  • What else am I going to do with a vast city, or landscape in Animate?

  • Several hours vast seems really daunting. Is it maybe possible to have Animate split long videos into e.g. 30 minute chunks and then stitch them together with ffmpeg. I don't mean manually but on export? Manually should of course work too, right?

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  • We're already past viability as far as contiguous hourly export goes.

    I kind of doubt it can go half that.

    I dunno, Animate scope is not well defined.

  • A way to tell it when to start recording would be nice. If I have to make loops, I need a way to make things loopable. I thought about using game save state, but they aren't included.

  • Hi there. New subscriber here. I have had a little time with Construct 3's timeline, which led me to have a look at the 'Animate' standalone tool. As my game project progresses, I'm looking to see where I can use 'Animate' to help that process. So here are a few initial thoughts. I'm a professional animator with a background in many different tools. I will post thoughts about functionality once I have had more time with 'Animate'.

    Here goes:

    I chose to sign up to C3 for many reasons, and one of them was the timeline utility. It works well and I'm enjoying using C3 very much. I wasn't initially aware of 'Animate'. I'm planning to use C3's timeline to make animated cut scenes with game assets, and it would be *very* useful if those scenes could be exported as a webm or mp4 file. I would prefer that video export feature to be available in C3 as part of my existing subscription.

    I now realise I can use 'Animate' to render those cut scenes / layouts to video. I would like to be able to import a C3 file into the 'Animate' environment without having to strip out unsupported behaviours/features from C3 before opening them in 'Animate'. I would prefer 'Animate' to simply ignore unsupported behaviours/features and let me edit the file anyway, rather than not opening the file (as is the current case).

    I started my career using Flash in the mid 1990s, and that software's eventual ability to author both interactive and video content made it a brilliant tool for independent makers. I would like to see C3 evolve into something similar without being broken into 2 distinct products, but I understand you need to find a business plan that works for you.

    So, if 'Animate' continues to be a viable separate product for you I would like to be able to switch seamlessly between C3 and 'Animate' without any difficulty. If this was the case I would consider a separate subscription. I would also request that video export from timeline to be a feature in future releases of C3, for those times when the extra functionality of 'Animate' wasn't needed/wanted.

    Apologies if any of this has been covered elsewhere/earlier. I'm new here and I'm spending most of my available time looking up C3's game dev documentation, but I wanted to record initial thoughts here.


  • I'm still learning Animate but so far it's fairly simple and straight forward.

    I only have a few thoughts so far:

    1. I think Animate should come with Construct 3 as well as being available as a separate cheaper option or at least add the Video Export option to C3.

    2. I would like to see the ability to install addons like in C3. There are some very useful visual effects that would come in handy when creating animations.

    3. I would like to see the ability to group select/move the keyframe nodes in the layout view along with objects. For instance if time is spent animating an object but it's position is not quite right, I'd like to be able select it all and move it instead of adjusting each node one at a time. (Maybe this is currently doable but not obvious?)


  • i want to create it, so anyone here can tell me how can i do this

  • Wouldn't it just be a matter of adding the export video animation feature to Construct 3? Instead of creating another separate product at an extra cost for users? I already use to record the pc screen when I want to create videos of animations that I make in Construct 3. Many people already use Construct 3 to create animations. We just need a video export, not one more product and one more cost. Please include in Construct 3.

  • It's been a while since I last tested C-Animate.

    Quick question: still no scrubbing of timelines?

  • scrubbing was always there I think, you just need to be in edit mode

  • Silly question, but how do I enter Edit mode? I have the sample Sciwarriors scene, and I want to scrub through the entire animation.

    Found it!

    Also: is there a graph editor?

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