Ancha's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I'm still learning Animate but so far it's fairly simple and straight forward.

    I only have a few thoughts so far:

    1. I think Animate should come with Construct 3 as well as being available as a separate cheaper option or at least add the Video Export option to C3.

    2. I would like to see the ability to install addons like in C3. There are some very useful visual effects that would come in handy when creating animations.

    3. I would like to see the ability to group select/move the keyframe nodes in the layout view along with objects. For instance if time is spent animating an object but it's position is not quite right, I'd like to be able select it all and move it instead of adjusting each node one at a time. (Maybe this is currently doable but not obvious?)


  • I have recently also ran into this issue and was able to narrow down what was causing it (at least for me).

    My project is saved as a project and in that project folder I have a "REFERENCES" folder.

    In that folder I have pictures, Word documents, PDF's, Excel documents, etc...

    Construct 2 would save but it felt slow. (I would have a bunch of the documents from the "REFERENCES" folder open)

    When I had an Excel document open from that "REFERENCES" folder and tried to save my project it would freeze up.

    I tried this with other documents but so far it's only happening with open Excel files.

    Once I moved the "REFERENCES" folder outside of the project folder it no longer froze and was actually much faster in saving.

    Hope that helps.

  • I got myself a nice laptop so that I can Construct anywhere but when I get home and plug in my two monitors and start working, moving windows to where they should be on my setup, Construct can never remember to open the sprite editor on my monitor. It always re-positions it, the animation window, color palette and animation frames window to the left side of my laptop screen. Is Construct not capable of remembering the uistate across multiple monitors?

    Thank you.

  • Yup works beautifully.

    Thank you for helping me out with this.

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  • It seems to work but if you are moving left or right and while moving you jump out of the blue square the blue square will stop. But once you go back in, it will continue in the direction you were moving for a brief moment.

  • What I have in the example .capx file:

    -A blue square which acts as my plane or whatever. It can fly around the screen freely. That part is done.

    -A red square which will act as my pilot. It can enter and exit the blue square as long as the blue square in on the ground. This part is kind of done though I'm positive it can be done better. I'm using a GroundTrigger sprite to tell the system when the blue square is on the ground. Any tips on making this better would be appreciated.

    Question: The part that has me stumped is when the red square wants to go back into the blue square the blue square for some reason moves every time I enter it. Why does it move?

    Thanks for any help you may have. I appreciate it.

  • Thanks again

    Lately I've been on an optimization learning spree hahaha. This definitely fits the bill.

  • "Using a ForEach loop, with a system condition that selects each instance.

    This .capx also includes the feature where, if you re-tap a button and the difficulty level is already there, it ratchets the difficulty down a notch.

    This is perfect, exactly what I was thinking. Thank you so much. You also cut down my events like crazy and I only had half of them in there (the other half is what I couldn't get to work). Let me try to understand what is happening in your events just so that it's clear to me and I can store it safely in my memory bank and also if anyone else stumbles on this they too can get a clear grasp of what is happening.

    So, on tapping on difficultyDot the difficulty is set to it's parent variable. Easy.

    Then a sub event picks all the instances of that object and for each instance it will check whether the difficulty is greater than or equal to the parent variable, if so we see the empty radial, otherwise the radial is active.

    Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

  • Hello everyone, I am stumped on this little problem of mine.

    I am attempting to create radial buttons for the difficulty level of my game but can't seem to get it working properly. The first time I created it I made 5 sprites of the same image and the coding was dead easy for that but I decided to challenge myself and use only 1 sprite and make instances of it. Now I have 5 instances of my radial button with instance variable "Parent" (to identify which object is which) and "Value" (to determine if it's 0 "off" or 1 "on"). As you can see from my attached .capx when the layout starts radial 1 should be active as the difficulty can't be 0. When I click on any of the radial buttons they work just fine.


    How do I make it so that if I click on a radial button, all the previous ones will also activate but it will deactivate any radial that comes after the one clicked?

  • I don't think you should close this topic, what if people who are browsing still need to ask a question on this very subject even if it is from 3+ years ago?

    My fonts list in Construct 2 lists ALL FONTS I currently have on my computer. Why can't Construct show only the ones that are supported? I find myself going through hundreds, choosing one that looks fantastic only to find it's not supported. This goes on and on until I can find one that is actually supported. Is there a way to show only supported fonts?

  • Hello, I am trying to make a small ripple effect when an object is destroyed but I can't seem to figure it out. It has to distort all layers making it seem as though it caused a shock wave. I haven't been able to find much on the forums, any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Any chance someone out there still have this example?

  • 12 posts