Construct Animate feedback thread

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • > As a background, I produce animation for corporate training and educational purposes, lead a team of two people as a creative director for a fortune 500 company where we produce a lot of animation and freelance for more "fun" projects next to all that like i.e. a credited brief stint as an animator on an adult swim show.


    > I've worked with After Effects, Flash (now Animate), Moho Pro and, my favorite, Toon Boom Harmony Premium.


    > There is absolutely NO WAY that i would use Construct for animation over any of the above mentioned software packages, which have literally decades of development behind them and were very carefully catered for animators and suits all their needs.


    > When it comes to producing HTML5 animation for the web, i'd either go with Animate CC, which i rarely use these days but it comes with our company wide CC subscription OR, would look into Rive.App, which was recommended to me by my colleagues and seems to be a really robust piece of software that is very similar to tools found in the above mentioned packages.


    > I maybe used the Construct timeline once or twice in my projects since i found it to be extremely confusing and non-intuitive. If i have to think longer than 30 seconds about how a timeline works, there's really something wrong, sorry, but by now after using so many timelines, this is just something so standardized, that it should work in a more standardized way. Beside that, in my experience the timeline used to crash a lot. I don't know how it is these days, it might be better.


    > Construct's animation features are just very clearly developed with neither a clear understanding of animation workflows nor any sort of input from professional animators and it shows. The interactivity might be nice but it's probably already a total overkill for most animators, who definitely won't spend the time learning the ins and outs of the event sheets. As intuitive as they are, they still need time to learn. Compared to something like Rive or all your usual prototyping tools like Figma or Invision, which can export HTML 5 and offer easy(er) to use interactivity features as well, it's really not all that intuitive as you might think.


    > I just hope they didn't bite off more than they can chew and hope they really go in and look at whats out there and what the people they want to sell this to actually need. Which also brings me to this: WHO is this for exactly? WHAT animators? Motion Graphics people who work for video? Definitely won't use it, and one video export option with a file format that is highly compressed won't change that either (usually you animate either directly in the compositing software or export image sequences and then go to compositing or some ProRes or other video format with less noticable compression).


    > Character animators, game animators, UI designers, etc. etc. there is really no clear indication, who they want to develop this for...

    This. It doesn't seem anyone who animates for a living was actually spoken to, and the way timeline animation works here and in C3 is the very definition of counterintuitive compared to every other piece of animation software I can think of.

    Seconded! I use or have used most animation apps in my career: Moho Pro, Toonboom, Krita, TV Paint, OpenToonz, After Effects, Spine, Flash/Animate, Blender/Max/C4D/Houdini, and others. And I use animation editors in game engines too.

    After noticing the blog entry announcing this product, I was curious and after trying it a out I would have to agree with the other animators here: it is counter-intuitive to use coming from other animation software.

    Personally I fumbled around for minutes before understanding the workflow, and I had to read the intro article to get up and running. But I got quickly fed up with animating stuff. It's not terrible, just... really awkward. It's easy to tell that this is a game engine dressed up like animation software. And not really pulling it off.

    I agree with the others here that it is VERY obvious no-one ever consulted with actual animators, and the developers sorta copied stuff from other animation editors. But without real understanding of animation workflows?

    For actual film/shorts animation work solid free alternatives exist: OpenToonz, for example. And that timeline is a joy to work with, comparable to commercial apps such as Animate, ToonBoom, and TV Paint. Those allow us to create/draw things too instead of relying on external assets only. And add various high-end effects! Not even mentioning nodal compositing in ToonBoom, OpenToonz or Blender.

    So I will not and cannot compare it with off-the-shelves animation software. This is in my opinion still too limited. Comparable to a toy and too clunky. Animators -even novices- would be better off avoiding it.

    Which leaves game engines and animation apps meant for web animations.

    Compare Tumult Hype, Soala Animate, or even Google Web Designer - much simpler and intuitive to animate in. And built from the ground up for the type of market that, I feel, the Construct team is trying to dig into.

    Or compare Godot. I like to animate stuff in Godot, because it feels similar to other animation software. It also has a proper graph editor, and properties are easily animated with the key icon, which is again similar to After Effects. The nodal scene architecture fits an animation paradigm better too. And there is support for FK/IK animated characters. And last but not least easier to preview animations which can be playing while editing other animations. In short, it is fun to animate in.

    If I may make a suggestion Ashley? Hire an experienced all-round animator and allow that person (and other animators) to inform your new animation product. Because in its current state I'd say you will not succeed. It's fine for a game engine animation editor (still clunky to work with though ;P ), and even if your new animation adventure fails, you'll still have a much improved animation editor in Construct.

    PS the animation software market is much more congested and competitive than the game engine market. Free industry level competitors are readily available like Blender and OpenToonz. Kiddies rely mostly on free options or hacked old versions of Flash.


    Could you please vote on twitter about C3 and CA? It would be interesting

    and you need to take into account the limited resources of the team and what in your opinion they need to spend these resources first

  • - Can you please add Alpha Channel to the PNG sequence export?

    It's already supported. Make sure all layers are transparent.

  • Ashley and the rest of the Scirra team have handled C3 perfectly for years and C2 before that. Why do you think they can't handle another app? If they need more people to work on the app, they hire more people. Simple as that. It's a business. Let them do their thing. They are very good at it.

    They have 10 years 2 developers, bro. That's the problem. Their company could grow several times during this time. Their development could grow several times and they could safely engage in other projects, such as CA. That's why there are so many unfriendly comments.

    But we have always supported scirra. And I paid them all this time. But I do not saw the expansion of the company and the opportunities that each engine already has in 2022, but not C3. Ashley did not want to add 3d at all, but then he added and received the most positive feedback from users. So they are often very wrong

    My company, where I have been working for 5 years, has grown from 5 employees to 30. And its profit has grown significantly. We could also stay with 5 employees and make a profit and say that we are doing well. But this does not compare with how much we can do with 30 employees. And scirra remained at the same level as 5 years ago. So think about it

  • So think about it

    I think if they go tits up, so do you.

  • Recommendation:

    Commission some professional animator to create some animation templates.

    For example, use them to make some story. It would be better if it could include some body movements, text dialogue, cutscenes, camera changes

    As they make it, let them provide editor feedback on their use. I think their experience will be more in line with expectations

  • CA suggestions:

    In the timeline toolbar, displayed current parameter and allowed to edit.

    I don't need to think for a few seconds what the X value is now, where can i edit it ? The eye only needs to focus on 1 place, instead of looking to the left, looking up, and looking at the canvas in the middle. Currently, my eyes have to look at 3 places at the same time.

    Also solved 1 problem, I can edit the value of X just need to check the properties of the timeline. Currently, I have to select the object before I can edit the properties.


    Off topic, I suddenly thought of a book 'Don't Make Me Think' by Steve Krug. recommended reading. may be helpful for the interactive experience of your design tool

  • I think if they go tits up, so do you.

    My company does not depend on Construct, but this is partly true. Therefore, I am for the progress of C3, not for stagnation

  • They used to have Iain (or Ian?) next to Diego. So there were three developers at one point. Also at some point there was a mention that they would maybe enter some sort of partnerships or work closer together with one of the porting services for Construct etc.

    Oh well, we'll see where it takes us I guess :)

  • In fact, I would call 'Construct Animate' as 'Construct Lite', just like the way Starbucks markets its medium, large and extra-large cups. You know, CA is not aimed at professional game developers, but teachers who only need a small part of C3 for making interactive type videos or applications.Its functions are separated from the C3, but the price is less, and it is more conducive to marketing.That's why CA is not a dedicated plugin, but another product.

    I don't think it distracts from scirra because Construct Animate is mainly being developed by Diego. And Ashley has been focusing on C3 feature. so that he can keep 2 software updates going weekly. For now, updating CA is actually updating C3 Timeline, so it won't have any impact.

  • Ok so now I explained as other people why we think 2 products at the same time for 2 devs could be counterproductive, I'll now propose ideas that I think could greatly benefit both products, as we all hope Scirra will succeed with their projects, and be able to grow and hire new developers on the engines as they’re planning to do.

    I think the deal is fair as long as promises are kept. Which means :

    - Scirra dev team will grow,

    - Construct Gamedev isn’t affected in any way in its development so game-specific features continue to be added in the engine and remain the priority,

    - Most of the new CA features benefit both products so are useful and relevant for us faithful gamedev customers paying our subscription.

    I agree with many feature ideas proposed by other users in previous post (direct preview and edit of Ease curve in Properties View for example), I’ll just suggest additional ideas (most of them also benefits regular Construct) :

    1. Add a Hierarchy View to enhance the workflow of creating hierarchies by simply dragging and dropping instances on top of each other in this dedicated view.

    It would also allow users to find, order and select Instances in a convenient way without needing to lock layers on top to be able to select instances directly in the layout view.

    Hierarchy is at the core of Animate so it deserves UX enhancements.

    Why ? Right now the workflow that consists in selecting child then parent and then right-clicking parent to open a context menu and only then create the hierarchy is not intuitive. Also green arrows are confusing regarding which object is parent and which object is the child.

    Dedicated suggestion :

    2. Add “Animation Trigger Events” to Frames in the Animation Editor.

    As one of the best USPs of Animate seems to be related to the possibility to execute logic from Eventsheet during the “Movie” (in addition to the usual Timeline workflow most Animation software have), it would be nice if we could trigger events from specific Frames of any Sprite animation.

    For example in the Animation Editor, we could right click any frame to open the context menu where a “Add Animation Event” button could be added. The animation Event would be a string (=Tag). We could then execute logic in Eventsheet thanks to a new “On Animation Event {Tag}” trigger condition for Sprites.

    There could also be a new dedicated "tool button/icon" on the left toolbar of the animation event. It would be similar to the "Edit Image Points", it would be a list of all Animation Events ("Tags") on that specific frame.

    There would be autocomplete feature both ways, in the dedicated Trigger Event in eventsheet (most important) but also in the Animation Editor. So already used Tags are suggested to avoid mistakes.

    Example use case : I have a character running in my Movie (8 frame animation) and I want to add small Dust FX at each of his footsteps. The process to add this small FX manually at the right frame on the Timeline would be really tedious. I could just add a “Step” Tag on the 2 frames where the character foot touch the ground and spawn my FX on a dedicated image point thanks to a On Animation Event “Step” Trigger condition in the event sheet.

    3. “On Timer {Tag} Start”, “On Tween {Tag} Start” condition events. For the same reason (one USP of Animate being Event Sheets), I can think of a lot of cases why I would use Timer and Tween behaviors on top of Timelines in my Movie, for some specific things it’s really more convenient.

    For the same reason it is very useful to have “On {Tag} running”, “On {Tag} Finished” (that already exists in Construct), we need a “On {Tag} start”. Indeed the same Timer or Tween Tag can be called from multiple places and it would be handy if we could avoid duplicating the logic that needs to happen when that Tag is started thanks to those new Behavior Conditions.

    4. Nomenclature (Name-based) bulk import for Spritesheets. A big amount of frame by frame Animators prefer to work with Spritesheets to export/import their work (way easier for file management to have only 1 file). Right now if i want to make a Movie with my spritesheets animation, i have to manually import each spritesheet and specify the number of columns of the number of rows. It would be handy if I could just name each of them AnimationName_XxY where X is the number of columns and Y is the number of rows, and there would be an option to bulk import sprite sheets based on their name.

    5. Resize Image Canvas > Image > Align Image Point

    When Resizing an Image, on the Dedicated pop-up menu (“Resize Image Canvas”), add the option to “Align Image Point” in the “Image” drop down list. As it works with “Align with Center”, but based on an Image Point. This is needed really often.

    When “Align Image Point” is selected, it adds a number field to choose which image point should be considered.

    6. Shortcut to Snap Polygon Points and Image Points to integer Positions

    If the user press MAJ (or CTRL?) while editing the Collision Polygon Points or Image Points position, it will snap the currently selected poin to the closest integer position :

    -> Image Point Edit: when the user is in Image Point edit mode, if they click anywhere on the image, it immedialty update the point position to the position they just clicked. With MAJ, it would the closest integer position instead.

    -> Collision Point Edit : when the user is currently dragging a point of the polygon, if MAJ is pressed it's only moving from integer position to integer position.

    Why ? 95% of the time, we want those points to be placed at integer positions. Right now the click-to-place/drag-to-move points feature always place points at non integer position so we can't really use them and we need to specify X and Y values in corresponding field each time instead. Which is really tedious and time consuming.

    7. Fix the Drawing Canvas :

    8. Enhance Pixel Art capabilities for both Animate and Gamedev Construct by adding a new effect that would allow to merge “pixel-perfect with smoothness.”

    It would solve a very old issue for Gamedev Construct + it would allow the use of Animate as a tool to create pixel art FX, character animations and pixel art movies, by pixelating shapes, and interpolating them. It would allow us to have clean text and smooth scrolling for pixel perfect stuff even at non integer positions.

    It could be a nice USP for Animate as a lot of Animation tools don't have any pixel art friendly features (I know it because as a customer i didn’t find it in potential competitors of Animate), and there is an overlap between people interested in Pixel art animation and people interested in making indie games.

    Dedicated suggestion, explaining in details the issue and implementations ideas for this new effect :

    (Recently some successful apps with pixel animation features started popping, and it could be an inspiration for some features by the way : Aseprite, Pixelover, Pixel FX Designer, )

    (it's weird but i've never had access to the "Edit Post" feature for Forum posts, no matter what device (PC/Mac/Phone) and what browser (Chrome/Edge/Firefox) I use, no matter if I'm in incognito mode, if I disable all chrome extensions or not. So pardon me if there are a lot of typos as I can't edit and preview my forum posts)

    EDIT : Nice, i can now edit my post

  • (it's weird but i've never had access to the "Edit Post" feature for Forum posts, no matter what device (PC/Mac/Phone) and what browser (Chrome/Edge/Firefox) I use, no matter if I'm in incognito mode, if I disable all chrome extensions or not. So pardon me if there are a lot of typos as I can't edit and preview my forum posts)

    I think that's due to you needing to post more, it's a restriction for "new" users lol

    Just 9 posts, perhaps 1 more :P

  • > (it's weird but i've never had access to the "Edit Post" feature for Forum posts, no matter what device (PC/Mac/Phone) and what browser (Chrome/Edge/Firefox) I use, no matter if I'm in incognito mode, if I disable all chrome extensions or not. So pardon me if there are a lot of typos as I can't edit and preview my forum posts)

    I think that's due to you needing to post more, it's a restriction for "new" users lol

    Just 9 posts, perhaps 1 more :P

    Can't check thresholds right now but I think this is right, another few posts and edit should be unlocked. This is because we had a lot of spammers posting normal content who would then go back and edit their posts with spam links.

  • There has been a few suggestions talking about mesh distortion in the timeline, this is a common feature in other animation software and would be very powerful.

    But sadly there is one big concern, that needs to be adressed, before adding it to the timeline would even make sense to me.

    Construct currently draws tris instead of quads

    this leads to the texture looking off in a lot of cases, this is very undesirable as the usage of mesh deformation in the timeline would mostly be for visuals. (even the advertised examples by construct for using mesh don't work well for that reason, unless you want your textures to look terrible.)

    This problem would be fixed if the drawQuads method would be used instead

    Example to visualize the problem, if it's still not clear I can add more examples.

    You might argue, just add more points, but this would be bad for performance as well as would make it insanely difficult to edit and place the points.

    If tris need to stay we would need a way to add edges to the mesh in user defined placed (look at spine) so we have control over where the edges are and with it where the mesh should bend. Currently we can only place them in a perfect grid.

    But for transforming a grid quads are the better solution.

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  • should be allow to scaled from objects borders, as Photoshop, instead of 8 endpoints, which works great on some large objects. such as backgrounds, sky, textures.

    Because when you have a large object and then zoom the editor view big, you have a hard time finding the endpoints.

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