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  • ah please santa i am a good boy..but santa (ashley) please dont trick me like in this video "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcwht0SkJiU"

  • rob sorry my friend i dont know what this error really means. I have no idea.I dont have any knowledge about gameclosure i just opened this thread because i saw it like a good alternative to cocoonjs.Im just a hobbyist artist not a programmer at all.if you want to contact mario from game closures team.Maybe he can help you.Search for his email.Sorry wish i can help you but i cant

  • for me it didnt work (android phone and tablet), diagonal grey lines again.maybe i did something wrong but if Knifegrinder test it and xdk dissapointed him i dont see any reason to start using it again.

  • a very positive reply indeed...

    lets hope to have more news soon.lightning system in c2 will be a huge boost..

  • Thndr

    1)"What we need is an open source wrapper, essentially Node-Webkit for Android/iOS. That way the project is supported by many people, and either they or Scirra would just have to stay compatible by updating the plugin/exporter. Basically like how they do Node-Webkit for PC."

    if this gives us a decent alternative why not. +1 from me..

    2)do we really know what scirra is capable to do?i think they can do a proper wrapper.2-3 man team achieve much more than 15-20 men team like ludei in short time.do scirra have the resources to do a proper wrapper?We cant tell only scirra team knows best.

    The thing is that cocoonjs is a big joke at least for me.Like their games are a joke too..tic tac toe?ibasket?sorry ludei try to make a really robust game to show me what your technology really can do..but what im talking about?i see what you can do every day...

    All this time more and more people complain about cocoonjs, some of us asked for alternatives,others dont..I dont know when someone speaks about this cjs wrapper thing and the need of changes here, is like a blasphemy.i dont say it for this topic, no its the feeling i receive and the negativity from the team and some of the users..We are not heretics we just want a decent solution.There is a huge topic about "why c2 is better than gms" but sorry at least in the wrapper thing, gms is miles ahead c2...Why they can have it and we can not?yes i know "2-3 man team, no resources,ask ludei"

  • yes but c2+cjs is better than gms+gms..blah blah blah.

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  • Reading 1.4.5 update features yesterday i saw : "New CocoonJS and Ludei logos!" even now im still laughing. yeah guys you did it a major step forward...minor improvements like layout by layout for example on next update...

  • sorry guys but i see too often the title of the topic when i press new posts.I know comparison is a very good way for someone to see details and choose between 2 programs but pardon me this title is very underestimated for gms.I tried gms twice i dont like it and i bought c2 but maybe its just me who have the problem cause many popular games out there made by gms especially for ios and android, where c2+cjs have lack of success.So lets be more humble next time.

  • sosensible agree with that and also youve got to agree that the most popular transportation method was the horse for about 3000+ years.this dont stop us to have bicycles not to mention cars right? what im trying to say is that evolution never stops and its not right to close our eyes in bigger challenges.c2 is a good (maybe the best) 2d game engine why not to make it better? pac man is a great 2d game tetris,galaga etc...if i choose what to play now i will choose modern warfare.and believe me my first console was atari 2600 back in the 80s.different era's different needs.

    railslave oh yeah...this is something we need for sure.

  • jayderyu 3d sprite?i think that its not difficult to do it if you model an object and render it from different views via blender or any other modelling software.the thing is the memory usage for animating it during the game.for mobile platforms it really will burn down the device and the smoke will smell like a cocoon on fire.

    Many of us

    3d? construct 3? a proper scirras wrapper?not a 3rd party wrapper? ok i really miss the song from aerosmith... dream on!!!

  • ghost diagonal grey lines

  • rdlew2008

    1)check you have scale inner or scale outer in c2.

    2)you see blackness?you dont see even c2 logo when loading the game?if not change the option in c2 menu.

    3)where you loading you game from?via net or you have the zip file in your sd card?if you follow the first method i recommend the second cause i also have some problems in the start.

    so put your zip file from cjs export in sd of your phone.and load it.At least youll see c2's logo when the game is loading.if you dont even see that theres another problem.try to upload the capx it will really helps.And i see what the problem is.

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