I think I'm slightly confused - I understand the idea of shrinking the images and increasing the image size via canvas, but I only have 1 level at the moment, and plan on having at least 8 or 9 more. Does this mean for every sprite I add to the game, my memory used will go up? What is exactly increasing this number?
Also, increases the size of images via the canvas in my opinion never looks very good. I'm trying to keep a sharp look to my game.
"Does this mean for every sprite I add to the game, my memory used will go up?"
I think your total estimated memory usage will probably go up.
Honestly I'm not entirely sure how its calculated. I think its based on the total estimate for the amount of ram you'll be using up.
I believe the memory usage only depends on the objects you currently have on a layout that is running. So your first layout could be wasting 120mb of memory while your second one is wasting 90mb. In either layout that value (120mb) indicates an estimated value of the amount of memory your using up based on what you have on the canvas. So if you want to add more sprite objects, but you don't want to use them on this layout then no you won't waste anymore memory on this object, other then the memory you have already used with your current sprite.
I think the memory use is only dependent on whatever you have placed on the canvas. So even if you add 10000 different types of sprites, but you don't use them in any levels, that just means you won't waste any memory to render these objects.
In general the estimates on construct 2 are higher then the actual amount of memory your using up. But once again I'm not entirely sure.
I'm curious as well as to how the memory use is estimated. Think you could explain it for us?