Hi guys,
so last year I bought Construct2 because I thought it is a nice tool, but then I started learning how to program in Javascript and Html5 (native), I've been using a lot of frameworks, ImpactJS, GameMaker for HTML5 and after a lot of headache I'm back with Construct 2.
Because is awesome, you can do basically everything you can dream, you can export your games to every platform (almost) in the market.
When I thought about developing Html5 games, I've chose this language because you can get a lot of market share and your games can be played by a more people than just developing in Java or C++.
Construct2 has an awesome doccumentation and the most awesome forums out there. When you ask you always get a answer.
Thank you all, and I'll be using Construct2 for the next LUDUMDARE.
Have fun