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  • I'd like it to be able to round to quarter increments, eg: 1.25, 1.5, 1.75

  • Hrmm, doesn't seem to be working,

    here's the capx i made.


  • > For the statement of UDK / Unity3D have a 3D Modeler, its not that true.


    Who stated that?

    There's some basic level building plugins and other character morphing plugins, but yeah to make a full on 3D character you are going to need to build it in a 3D package and import it into C2/Q3D.

    unless you want to build a object like the tiny tank out of primitives.

  • I would like to figure out how to add increments to a value while dragging.

    1) Record the Y position of where a user starts dragging the mouse.

    2) As the user drags upwards, i want to keep track of a value, and every 20 pixels , it adds .25 to that value, and as they drag downwards, it subtracts .25

    3) when you let go, it records that difference and adds/subtracts from the current value of that item.

    Imagine you had a project button with an amount of hours you've spent working on it. as you drag upwards you would be adding time to that project, and down would subtract time until you release the button, in .25 increments.

  • Ubivis - that model you linked has very poorly laid out UV's and its also a multi part model that would require some putting back together within either a 3D app or parenting stuff in the Q3D plugin to get looking properly.

    So that's probably why you are seeing strange textures when you import it.

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  • and to save file space etc, instead of using 2 seperate idle animations, simply mirror the exiting player sprite.

    so use mouse.x < player.x -> set mirrored = true

    mouse.x > player.x -> set mirrored = false

    this will mirror all animations, not just the one idle as well

  • Yeah some tutorials from people who have their head wrapped around it would be awesome.

    Ideally i'd love to learn more about

    how to trigger events when 2 3D objects interact with each other

    how to link 2D elements and 3D elements together

    how to use some more of the built in construct behaviors with 3D objects

  • The moga pocket seems to work with C2 But you need have the "Moga Universal Driver installed from google play.

  • When you are using "on touch" you are picking only the object you touched. So when you are trying to compare 2 objects, its not finding the second one because it wasn't picked (or filtered by what you picked).

    So what you want to do if you want to use "on touched" is to add this line

    On touched object - Sprite

    store which frame this particular sprite is on (tempVar = sprite.animation.frame)

    then in a seperate event

    pick by evaluate (sprite.animation frame = tempVar)

    do actions

    this will check which frame the touched sprite is on, then go and pick all sprites whose frame = to that temp var.

    its cleaner if you put this all into a function as well

    On touched object - Call function "PickSameFrameSprite (sprite.animationframe)

    on function "pickSameFrameSprite"

    pick by evaluate: sprite.animationframe = function.param(0)

    do actions

  • Link to examples on page 1 are broken

  • Awesome work Thehen!

    works like a charm!

  • Creating an object of type " Sphere" causes an error upon play

    Javascript Error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot Read Property 'clone' of undefined

    Quazi3D_plugin.js line 2415 (col 41)

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