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  • Is there a difference between the create object action and the spawn action?

  • There's several ways to create a boss attack pattern.

    One is to brute force it and simply create a series of events to take place one after another. EG: move 100 units forwards, play attack animation, move 10 unites back, heal, etc.

    The other is to break each attack/movement/powerup into seperate event groups, then use a main event to trigger enable each group as needed.

    eg: you have a group that has events that move your boss forwards then attack.

    call this group "basic attack" and disable it.

    Then in your main event, once the player gets to the boss area, enable the "basic attack" group. This also allows you to randomize the smaller sets of attack patterns as well (eg: if he's less than 20% health).

  • I'd like to make a pixel art looking game, but i want the pixels to look really big, kinda like the game Tiny Tower.

    Screenshot here:


    I'd really like to be able to see the pixels even on a high resolution display like a retina display ipad.

    Is it best to create it in high resolution and each pixel will simply be a block of 8 pixels or something?

    Or would it be best to do all of the art at 320x200 and let the device scale it up really big?


  • I'm no expert, but it seems like after you run the program once, it will create the extra folder that you just need to make sure you upload along with the rest of the exported folder data to where ever you will be hosting it.

    Here's some info on mime types and html5 and how to edit them


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  • A different solution might be to create an invisible circle sprite when a bomb explodes, and then check which other bombs are overlapping it. You could change the scale of the radius for lots of different occasions based on your gameplay.

  • Basically you need to check each time the player presses one of the arrow keys...

    Every tick, on keyboard Right Arrow pressed, check if falling piece is touching scoring area.

    Then you would check if a falling arrow marker is overlapping your "trigger" area (line the outlined arrows at the bottom of a DDR game).

    If the two of them are overlapping while the appropriate arrow on the keyboard is held down, then you get points.

    You can also check the distance between the falling arrow, and the trigger outline arrow. If its within 10 units, you score a "good" and if its less that 2 you get a "perfect" for example.

  • Yeah you could use a for loop.

    Start with the current health, goto the amount of health left after taking x amount of damage.

    update the health text box following the player, then wait .1 seconds.

    you'll see it update 10 times or however much the damage taken was.

    you might need to play around with the amount of "wait" time for each step of the loop.


    WOW, what an inspriation! I remember seeing this a long time ago somewhere and thought it looked amazing. Finally something that really show's off what Construct 2 is capable of doing as well! You've really inspired me to keep going with my dreams to create something too. I've been evaluating construct, but haven't really seen anything beyond something that looks like it took 5 minutes to make.

    All of your hard work really shows. Keep it up! Can't wait to try it out tonight!

  • Below the part where you get the particular sprite instance, create a sub event that then checks the Sprite.width and Sprite.height. By having this check in a sub event, it will only check the sprite instance you "picked" before hand.

  • Another way to approach it could be to create 2 invisible walls (or use the width of your device) and then simply add a bullet behavior to the enemy. On collision with the side of the play field, reverse its direction and lower is 20 units in Y. Speed increases each time by 1.

    Then once you set them all up and hit go they should take care of themselves.

  • I've tried exporting a few of the C2 Example projects through phonegap/eclipse and seem to get better FPS even with physics heavy scenes going this route instead of using the online phonegap build webapp.

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