justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • Use a sub event to "pick nearest" when distance is below your threshold, then destroy that one it filters out.

  • You probably want to use it in system -> "every tick"

  • Here's the process for using cocoonjs and xcode incase you haven't seen it


  • One option you might want to try is using a service such as


    You can "rent" a mac online for as little as $1 a day.

    You will still be required to have an ios developer license though to publish the app, (not 100% sure about debug versions though)

    Please post back if this ends up working well for you, i'm curious but haven't tried yet.

  • Yup you can use those conditions as well.

  • A development blog is a great way to stay motivated while your work.

  • Sounds like you might be spawning them "every tick" by accident

    add the condition "triggers once while true" to your event that creates the coins to limit it to creating one at a time.

    Can't look at the capx right now.

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  • One easy way to separate movements so that players don't interrupt them is to use some variables.

    eg: in air (0 or 1)

    on ground (0 or 1)

    currentanimation (0, 1, 2, 3)


    Then add additional conditions to each type of button press so that they only occur when your player is in the correct state.


    Lets use an air attack as an example, you probably have a different animation for air attacks.

    pseudo code:

    on keyboard press "jump button" set "in air" variable to "1"

    on keyboard press attack (add a second condition of "In air variable is equal to 1"

    play air attack animation

    else play ground attack animation

    that way it will only play the air attack animation if the player is in the air.

    hopefully that made sense lol.

  • Would you technically need to re-frame each frame of the animation so that his jump stays in one place instead of moving forwards....then create that forward movement though construct by moving the physical sprite?

    eg: play animation "kick" and move sprite forwards 120 pixels over 1 second?

  • You won't have to worry about the size of each sprite.

    You can also gain more control over hit boxes and collisions if you ignore using the default collision boxes and use invisible sprites as hitboxes/collision instead. This way you can enable/disable them at different points throughout your sprites animation. With the default one assigned to your sprite its always on.

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