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  • Try making the collision box 1 pixel smaller then the sprite image.

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  • Each instance has a Instance ID and a Unique ID.

    so can query a specific instance that way.


  • 0plus1, could you please put together a guide or tutorial on your windows to mac xcode/phonegap workflow that would help us out who want to try this method?

    I don't have a mac but am thinking of trying out the macinacloud site for this very purpose.

  • You can post a link to a drop box file

    just post it as a text link instead of as a http link

    Does increasing the "within angle" to like 10 fix the issue?

  • There is an action for an animation called "is playing" that allows to you check if a specific animation is playing currently on a sprite.

    You need to set up several "what if" checks to determine when to play what animation.

    eg: on keyboard "left" pressed

    (sub event) if flying right animation is playing -> play "turn left" animation


    play left flying animation

    move character to left etc....



    This way any time your player is flying right and the left button is pressed, it plays a transition that turns him around. (only if he is currently flying right) otherwise, he will just go left.

    same goes for all other situations he might come across

  • Very cool.

    It would be nice that each time you change to a new position in the array using the up/down arrows in the set array position section that the value would update automatically (or provide that option).

    Great work!

  • Not sure off the top of the head why your specific animation isnt working, but there's an alternative way to trigger something when an animation finishes.

    You can compare a value to which frame your animation is currently on.

    so you could do "if death animation = frame 10 then"

  • keyboard on "shootbutton" pressed

    (sub event )system (every X seconds) -> create bullet

    you can tweak X seconds to anything you want.

  • So you want to check them all at once?, in that case put your "check" into a for each (ordered) loop.

  • That's a good way to to do it. I would recommend for good clean programming to take out the hardcoded random(11) and random>=8 and change those to variables such as explosionChance and explosionChanceRange.

    The put those variables somewhere like a blank sprite off screen where you can store game wide variables or use global variables. Then you always know where to find those values if you want to tweak them in the future.

  • 1) all you have to do is check for specific conditions and then apply whatever animations etc you want under each condition.

    eg: Add an event that has Keyboard left arrow is pressed, and add a second condition (right click-> add condition) and pick keyboard up arrow is pressed.

    Now those actions will only occur when both keys are pressed. Rotate the wheel's or play a different animation direction or whatever. Do the same for the other possible key combonations you want.

    2)I can't see the capx right now at work, but it sounds like you just want the car to scale depending on what area of the screen its on. Simply add a "system every tick" event, that scales the car based on its Y postion on the layout. You might need to get fancy with the math to make it scale nicely at any height. I suck at math so perhaps someone else can help with that.

    3) use "on layout start" -> set animation to "standing animation"

    ideally put that event at the beginning of all of your other events.

  • In the part where you have Raycast -> on collision with ninja (event 11)

    That's going to trigger all baddies to spawn and throw a ninja star. you need to create a subevent that picks only the instance that was filtered by the raycast, so that only one the specific ninja throws it.

    ill check out the capx when i get home

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