Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • Pretty interesting, I used a lot of basic 3D for GUI before switching to construct and this looks like a pretty good solution to achieve that kind of result.

    Well color me interested though : can you render construct 2 layer inside a Q3D canvas to get an efficient split screen? (not sure if I'm clear there, sorry for my broken English >.< )

  • You can do split-screen for any number of players efficiently but only with the 3D content used by Q3D, it can't hijack constructs rendering system. If you meant if it was possible to layer the Q3D canvas to show construct content beneath it through transparency (for possibly a 3D gui) this is possible. You can make the background fully transparent so construct content shows beneath it.

  • >

    > > tulamide

    > > if someone really needed extensive 3D level design they could make a very simple editor.

    > >


    > QuaziGNRLnose


    > Is this something you plan on creating as an example for us in the future?


    Well it'd be game specific, but all you really need is to save position/scale/rotation stuff and make a simple loader. I might make an example but i rather keep working on extending the feature set of the plugin right now.

    Thanks for the input. Any ETA in new features to Q3D?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Would be nice to know your ETA on next updates.

  • I second that.

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  • It's hard to give an ETA as im still researching which method would be best for collision detection. I've implemented spatial hashing to speed up the collision testing but i only have support for axis aligned bounding boxes / spheres atm. I'm getting on implementing ellipsoids and perhaps a simple swept body collision response system, and in the future support for polygon soup tri meshes interacting with some colliders so terrain can be imported as a simple mesh. 3D collision detection requires a lot of planning so i want to make sure i do things as right as i can the first time around.

    These things do take time to get right, so i'm trying to do a good job rather than a rushed one.

  • Hi, it is possible in the future to compile for desktop? (Web-Node Kit?)....i have bought now your system but the apps compiled won't start....(For Desktop....)

    Best regards,


  • Node-webkit should be working, in fact it works better than any of the browsers (except possibly chrome), you have to disable "minify script" on export though, since minifying is not currently supported (this plugin uses loads of external dependencies and is a huge headache to make minifiable).

    EDIT: hmm, the previewing in nodewebkit works but not the export, not sure whats happening so ill have to investigate.

    EDIT 2: Looks like it might be a bug with the exporter too, i got exported node webkit to work but i'm getting some errors on export but not on preview, which is very strange. Everything might work if you export without minify, but this bug is a bit unsettling. seems related to custom functions declared as instanceProto (no idea why they're breaking only on export through nodewebkit but not preview though, Ashley might know)

  • Node-webkit should be working, in fact it works better than any of the browsers (except possibly chrome), you have to disable "minify script" on export though, since minifying is not currently supported (this plugin uses loads of external dependencies and is a huge headache to make minifiable).

    EDIT: hmm, the previewing in nodewebkit works but not the export, not sure whats happening so ill have to investigate.

    EDIT 2: Looks like it might be a bug with the exporter too, i got exported node webkit to work but i'm getting some errors on export but not on preview, which is very strange. Everything might work if you export without minify, but this bug is a bit unsettling. seems related to custom functions declared as instanceProto (no idea why they're breaking only on export through nodewebkit but not preview though, Ashley might know)

    is there any where or way to set or activate the animation in js json object , function ensureLoop ( animation ) as in three.js examlpes : webgl_animation_skinning_morph.html ??


  • No, loading animations is not supported yet.

  • QuaziGNRLnose May i suggest to release beta or dev updates for buyers? It's been a long time since the most of us bought this.

  • Wow ! This is amazing. Can´t believe it. Never thought of this capabilities inside Construct 2. Great Job Mr. QuaziGNRLnose ! So i don´t need to learn Unity 3D anymore .Really really glad to see something like this. Wooow, i am speechless (sry, i am a bit enthusiastic )

  • I think this Plugin is a super motivation to "buy" construct 2, because it delivers a great value for projects that will go beyond 2D or that mix both dimensions (like in Castlevania - Symphony of the Night, f.e.). No need for an overhauled top-notch realistic 3D Engine. It makes sense to extend C2 with this nice features that Q3D / WebGL delivers. As i read, the plugin will get more capabilities like positioning objects in the editor view. For the statement of UDK / Unity3D have a 3D Modeler, its not that true. They have some primitive objects / ready characters / basic modeling functions. Thats it. I want say, any user who want to create some 3D assets will need Blender / 3Ds MAX / Maya / C4D to create individual complex characters.

  • For the statement of UDK / Unity3D have a 3D Modeler, its not that true.

    Who stated that?

  • > For the statement of UDK / Unity3D have a 3D Modeler, its not that true.


    Who stated that?

    There's some basic level building plugins and other character morphing plugins, but yeah to make a full on 3D character you are going to need to build it in a 3D package and import it into C2/Q3D.

    unless you want to build a object like the tiny tank out of primitives.

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