Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • i wont be around to check for the next 4-5 days, so i apologize if they go unanswered

  • Ok , no problem at all , we will try to get it done ourselves.

    Again , awesome work

  • i wont be around to check for the next 4-5 days, so i apologize if they go unanswered

    My (all new) Canadian sense tells me you're going to enjoy the long weekend ahead.

    Even though, if I were to buy the plugin while you are away (cause I'm waiting for the pay-check...), would I receive it anyway or does it need to be validated by hand?

  • Even though, if I were to buy the plugin while you are away (cause I'm waiting for the pay-check...), would I receive it anyway or does it need to be validated by hand?

    You get it automatically.

  • I have bought this plugin and informated our russian C2 community about it.

    It is a really great plugin!

  • animated objects are usually very big in filesize.

    having your object cut into smaller objects and each part animated by code is always the best option if possible

    Well if it would support mesh distorsion (not sure if this is a proper term) then they would't be very much larger. I can imagine it is't very easy to implement, but it would be really great.

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  • Dear friend,

    i have a basic problem..i think simple for you but not for me......

    when i run an example code what you want....q3d cut the image in the firefox window... is it normal???

    in other words the window is not fit the window in full... some parts of the window are white....why???

    in web node kit the image seem ok....fit all window....

    here i put my capx example...... http://www.fasasoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Glassexample-fasasoftware.capx

    can someone help me please??

    any idea???

    best regards,


  • QuaziGNRLnose sorry if i bother you but its about a month after the release of the plugin and i dont see any tutorial/tutorials (cause 1 is never enough). i dont think it will take to you more than 5-10 hours to make a basic video tutorial and upload it. you make a great plugin you still develop it and update it and thats very good but at least speaking for myself i bought something that i cant use it.

    but if you spend all your time to update it and make proper tutorials please if someone here in the forum can make a tut it will be very good thing.

  • spy84 actually he's been doing a lot of work updating the plugin, and odds are what he's doing will greatly change the method of working with the object for the better (I believe in-plugin-in-editor object placement was planned?)

    The best way to learn new or experimental things like this is to play around with it. I know that's not a great option, but it's definitely one of the most advanced Construct 2 plugins I've ever seen and will take time to learn (almost like a whole new engine )

  • i really dont have too much free time during the day to play with the plugin but only 2-3 hours maximum because of work.too bad ill be waiting then for tutorials who knows maybe they show up from users of the plugin

  • spy84 Ah yeah, I understand, it's definitely hard developing games between work (12 hour shifts here) and university/etc but slow progress is still progress heh

  • I just purchased the Q3D plugin. Do you think you could make the main project demo that you use available?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Love what you have done so far, it's brilliant. Haven't got a project for it yet, but I will go and buy it right now just to support!!!

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Just bought it, but didn't receive a download email (I checked spam as well).

  • Hello QuaziGNRLnose

    Spectacular plugin.

    I will buy the plugin but I have some questions.

    How I load 3D animations?

    Plugin is compatible with 3d animations done in 3ds MAX or similar software?

    Is fully compatible with CocoonJs?


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