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  • I'm curious as well

  • I believe there's a trick where you save your project as a "project" instead of single file. Then goto the folder where its saved, and look in the images folder, and replace your sprite sheet there with the new one. Then next time you re open the project, it uses that image instead and keeps all of the bounding boxes intact etc.

  • had the same issue with my nexus 5 (4.4.2). Still havent found a solution, but the temporary work around for testing etc, is to grab the app called "SoundAbout" which can force audio through different outputs, eg: the speaker. it resolves the problem until a proper solution can be found.

  • each image from your animation also has to be loaded when you first run your game. And so your file sizes go way up as well, then download times go up, loading times etc etc.

    If you have a lot of animations its best to try and make your character using a tool such as spriter to break up the body parts into parts, then all of the animations are stored in json txt data. So you are only loading 1 texture atlas, and only a few kb for the json txt document.

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  • I got it working using the normal "Android" export, then using intels XDK (crosswalk) to compile it. Havent tried other methods yet.

  • Few more tests.

    I Tried side loading both chrome (beta) and firefox (beta) to see if i could use the live preview for construct with it.

    Chrome - The app loads vertically as if you were using it on a phone and not in landscape. The image was also stretched so that half the keyboard was off the screen, so i couldnt type in the ip address of the host computer. Not sure how to get it to load in landscape.

    Firefox - It loads up the preview correctly, however the game pad does NOT work as hoped. The left thumbstick causes the page to scroll up and down, and the right thumbstick causes the page to zoom in and out. The shoulder buttons cause the browser to go forwards/backwards in history. (However the performance of the game seems to be on par with the exported native version of the space game app)

    will try other browsers and report back.

  • Apparently the Fire TV can use a phone/tablet as a controller as well.

  • Picked up an amazon fire tv the other day and was excited to try out construct games on it.

    Works like a charm! Great performance so far.

    Here's a video of it in action

    And here's how to do it youself.

    1). Follow the instructions on the amazon developer page to setup your android SDK on your computer

    https://developer.amazon.com/public/sol ... on-fire-tv

    2). Install Intel XDK new


    3) Export your game using the "Android" Exporter following the instructions in the tutorial here

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/809/ho ... -crosswalk

    4). Compile your game in XDK New and wait for the emailed .apk that intel provides you when its complete.

    5). Using the instructions found on the amazon developer instructions (see above), you install your apk onto your amazon fire TV using (install game.apk) - Afterwards you will find it in the Settings/Applications menu.

    Quick Observations -

    1) The game seems to crash back to the main menu if you don't give it adequate time to fully load before trying to jump in and play it - Try waiting a few seconds after it loads to start the game.

    2) The Ouya controller worked right away (including the touchpad) just by using the gamepad game object in Construct - Functions the same way as a normal desktop controller.

    3) When using the touch pad of the ouya controller the amazon fire tv shows a nice little circle cursor for you (it disappears after about 7 seconds of not touching)

    I will continue to update notes as I figure more things out.

  • Here ya go!

  • If anyone has an APK they'd like me to test on it and video tape it, lemme know where i can download it from and i will.

  • I ordered a fire tv, should be here monday. Controllers were all sold out till the 19th though, so i'll use a ouya controller in the mean time. I'll be back with performance and compatibility results asap.

  • Intel's XDK Crosswalk works well.

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