justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • rexrainbow - I think i found another bug with the nickname plugin

    see attached image

    The nickname ends up blank It never gets assigned to the object.

  • Thanks Rex! You're the best!

  • I would love to have mouse wheel scrolling support in the add event/action window.

    win 7 64

  • It would be handy in a situation where you had a spaceship for example, with many parts that you could build onto it, and to add more and more pieces upon pieces like lego. If you had a long rectangular piece for example, and wanted to attach it to the ship's hull, but then also have another piece on the end. And also wanted to be able to rotate that piece around to any angle.

    The only other way around i could see would be to have an invisible helper object, and make each piece a child of that helper object.

  • Hi rexrainbow

    Do you have any example files of your Treenode plugin? I can't figure how to to get it up and running and can't find any examples files in your skydrive.


  • rexrainbow

    Oh good, i thought i was going crazy trying to understand why what i had didn't work. glad it was just a bug!

    Thanks for looking into it.

    keep up the great work!

  • rexrainbow

    I'm not very good at math, so i was trying to figure out how changing those values affect how the objects move.

    for example:

    It appears that increasing "A" makes the objects attract stronger to one another

    what does "n" and "m" do?

  • Nickname question

    In this example file i put together, it creates 10 instances of an object, then creates 10 objects based on a nickname and puts them into a family.

    When i try and use the "Pick instances with matched substring in family " command to effect all of the created objects, it only effects the last one.

    But if i use the "Pick Nickname instances in family" it will effect all of them.

    Is the "matched substring pick not working? Or more likely i'm using it incorrectly.

  • rexrainbow - Can you explain how adjusting those parameters will change how the objects react?

    I understand "attracting/detracting magnitute - the strength that the objects gets pulled towards or away from the source object, but what does Attracting/Detracting Declined mean?


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  • Awesome plugin rex as usual.

    Question: In the "crowd" demo for example, sometimes the little boxes wiggle really quickly instead of following a smooth arc. Which of the settings would i need to play with to smooth our their movement? I'm not sure what the parts of the equation mean in relationship to how they move.


  • Let's say I have a object with several other objects pinned to it. And those child objects are also all pinned to more objects. Is there a way to pick all objects below the hierarchy of the parent object?


  • I just did something similar like this, its really quite simple.

    For your ship. in the sprite editor add image points all over the ship where things can attach.

    Next lets create a dummy sprite that will show up at wherever these attachment points are while the mouse is held down.

    Mouse Event (On mouse down AND is touching ship addon part: eg: "lasers")

    (Local variable - ShipAttachPoints

    System For Each "Ship" -> Set ShipAttachPoints = Ship.ImagePointCount

    (sub event) - For "y" from 1 to CountAttachPoints -> Create Object "Attachpoint" at Ship.ImagepointX(loopindex), Ship.ImagepointY(loopindex)

    Pin Attachpoint to Ship

    This will create attachpoint objects all over your ship at each imagepoint and pin it so that they follow your ship.

    Next you need to check how far away the selected piece is to the closest ship attach point, and upon mouse release, snap the pieces together and pin the piece to the attachpoint.

    On Mouse Release

    Pick Nearest (attach point) (from attachpoint to mouse position)

    (subevent) compare 2 values (distance(attachpoint.x attachpoint.y, mouse.x, mouse.y) < 10 pixels

    subevent -> set position and angle of ship piece to attachpoint.

    voila. The piece will snap to the closest attachment point when you release the mouse.

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