DavidA13 It's likely the crash with the Mobile Advert is caused by having a missing or incorrect application identifier in the plugin properties. The Admob SDK will force your application to crash if the value is incorrect ( for some reason ). Take a look at the Mobile Advert documentation it has instructions on how to find your application ID, as well as what it should look like.
Big thanks for the answer
Nepeo, I did check my 3 IDs in the Mobile Advert properties a few times and even rechecked them a few minutes ago. :/ ...and I did follow the manual entry for the whole configuration. I'm a little lost. :(
Can I ask you a few questions here?
1. The publisher ID is the same than the part in the "iOS Application ID" (and Android) AFTER the "ca-app-" and BEFORE the "~" right...? I'm asking this since I'm using the AdMob site in french so I want to be sure I took the correct info wich is named "Référence éditeur : pub-86......" and not "Publisher ID" in the french version of Admob.
2. Also, is it normal that my game do NOT crash when "test mode" is checked in the plugin but do crash when it's unchecked?
2. And lasty, I'm testing my game with TEST FLIGHT, can you confirm that the game can be tested with "test mode" unchecked via TEST FLIGHT? ...I know I must be careful to not click the ads there and not show them too much.
I have a working PP url and I have selected custom providers in the "Blocking controls"/"EU USER CONSENT" on AdMob with just 1 provider (Google).
It's really sad that I can't use "is configured" or "config failed" to get a precise error message since the game crash right on startup... :(
Thanks in advance for the help... I'm a little desperate right now...