ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • I make between 2-500 dollars per month with 3 99 cent kids apps/games.

    All three games probably average 5 sales a day.

    2 are done with phonegap, one with cocoon.

    No in app purchases at all.

  • Oh, yeah I'm not sure the free version has the debugger. It's pretty amazing, in fact they just did a blog post on it .

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  • Do you mean a Debugger? There already is one in C2.

  • I love my ouya. It gets way more play time than any of my other consoles.

  • Yup, like others said. Next build could be 3 months away. Plus when it's done, we still need to get the plugin for Construct 2 updated, which I believe Ludei is suppose to be handling now, correct? I thought Ashley mentioned that a few builds ago.

  • I posted about a while ago. Didn't get much repsonse.

  • The reason I initially brought up unity was just because of their announcement of 2d.

  • Yeah, I think the problem will always be the support from third party. In the past we saw Ludei posting in here a lot and getting feedback and answering questions. It doesn't seem the case anymore and that worries me that they are kind of like "Whatever" to the C2 community.

    Even in Ludei's own C2 forum they haven't posted since July 11th and there are at least a page of questions since then. I myself have a few questions that were never answered.

    So yeah, that worries me the most.

  • You can't be mad at C2 or Scirra for lack of mobile support. At least in my opinion, it was never sold as a mobile development platform. It's sold as an HTML5 development platform. Doing anything above that is a bonus. I hoped that bonus would move a little more quickly than it has, but it just hasn't. I can't blame anyone for that. When I first started making games I just had dreams of making them for PC, but when I saw mobile was an option and worked for the 5 games I have out, I was thrilled. Then my focus had shifted to mobile, which means it might be time to find a environment more suited for it.

  • jojoe

    That pricing is for pro. You can see the licensing here

    Now I don't want this to turn into a C2 versus unity debate. C2 is by far the best HTML5 game editor out there in my opinion. I love Scirra and I know someday it will be easier to get games on mobile than it is now. I just don't want to wait. Not Scirra's fault at all.

  • Yeah, you can publish on just about every platform now with the free version. There are features missing of course, plus there is the unity splash screen. Which we have on Ludei anyway, even as a premium member.

    I truly believe C2 is a great stepping stone in starting in game development. It has taught me so much and I don't regret for a second ever buying a business license. I just think Unity might be the next step for me as I want to go mobile.

  • It's really starting to get to me. Though I have some games published with CocoonJS, I was just hoping to do so much more. We are so spoiled with constant updates from Construct 2, it's frustrating when we get a new update from Ludei after 2-3 months and it just seems to be minor fixes.

    With Unity 4.3 (coming soon) having a native built in 2d tool set, I will probably finish up my current projects in C2 and then make the swap the Unity. I love C2 and I think it's the best game creator out there. I am just finding myself wanting to do games for mobile first.

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