My game can fluctuate from 45-60fps during play on an ipad2 using CJS. When the fps does fluctuate, it doesn't just smoothly slow down the game, it kind of skips/lags a bit. A lot of my game is determined by bullet speed on several objects coming at the player, along with backgrounds.
I'm trying to figure if there is a way to "smooth" out that slowness. In old arcade and NES games, when the screen got loaded with bad guys, the game would kind of slow down for a bit, is that possible in C2? Or do I just need to live with the jitterness or try to get the game running at 60fps consistently?
I feel like I missing an obvious optimization step.
My game is an infinite runner. Everything is moving towards the player. Backgrounds, boxes, tires, etc. If there is something I can look for, that would be great. I know I am not giving much to go off. Just imagine it as a bunch of different sized bullets constantly spawning off screen and heading towards the player .