Just doing final checks on my game. Right now in the debugger I got it down to 94mb memory usage. Great, since it was running around 230 before I started to optimize .
Anyway, when I load the game up in Xcode (CJS exported) and run Instruments to test how much memory the game is actually using on my iPad mini it comes in around 203mb. I am using the Preload Sounds setting for my project, could this extra 100+ mb of memory be my sound files? All my sound files combined is 2.4mb, but I am not sure how they translate into memory usage. Audacity shows them at 44hz 16 bit stereo sound. If sound could make this big of a difference, I would consider down sampling them if need be.
If it's not the sound, what could attribute to the increased 100mb of usage from the debugger to xcode?
Ashley, any input would be great.
I reread the recent memory management post and I have a better understanding of sound. I have 48 individual sound files. Even assuming each one is 1 second long (though most are not), that would only equal about 8mb of memory. Unless my math is off, but 172kb per 1 second of stereo sound, times 48 = 8,256kb.