Artpunk, I love the look of your game! Marketing can definitely be a time consuming activity, especially when you have to actually make a game as well!
I noticed you've considered making a small website/landing page but decided not to go through with it due to the time and financial costs; I'd be happy to help here, I've got a lot of experience making websites and this looks like a fun one to work on.
In terms of hosting and costs, I'd be happy to do this pro-bono as a passion project, no one likes to take money from artists... and hey, if CyberDuck becomes the next Hollow Knight that's good for everyone involved.
In terms of experience, I've done quite a bit of marketing in a few different areas - I've even worked with
Tom and Scirra in the past; I don't have an up to date portfolio but you can see my LinkedIn here:
Would love to help