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  • That looks really cool man keep it up, I love the contrast you put in all your Graphics making all your characters and player stand up from the background so they don't get lost in the background which is really important, all the graphics look clean and have beautiful colors making them very pleasant to look at, like the water level.

    I really like your style, congrats and all the best with your Game

  • tarek2

    This would be a case where it would be nice if C2 allowed you to step though the code with the debugger. Anyways it may be helpful to read about the A* elsewhere to see how it works.

    I use the 'done' variable to stop the looping. It's only set when the goal tile is reached. The reason it keeps looping even though it starts with only one object that's 'open' is the neighboring tiles are picked with a family and added to 'open'. To clarify node and othernode can refer to the same objects. Maybe that's where the confusion is.

    The return value is not used in this particular example isn't used but in cases where a path can't be found 0 is returned. That can happen when trying to find a path to a separate island of nodes.

    I see that makes more sense now, is gonna take me time to fully understand it through my brain is been spinning like crazy that is an awesome Loop man I need to learn that, I didn't know you can do that with a Function in one call

    [quote:1pvwkbwj]This would be a case where it would be nice if C2 allowed you to step though the code with the debugger.

    That would be awesome would have saved me one week of debugging running in circles I tried all kind of tricks and no luck jeje

    I will keep reading about A* like you said to learn more about it.

    Thank so much R0J0hound for all your help

    Take care

  • Bravo n1 R0J0hound Thank you so much

    The trick for "octagon collision polygons" than the trick perfectly it avoids diagonals now, I can't believe it was that easy I been trying it for a week to do this jeje

    Thanks for your help I really appreciate it

    There is one last question for anyone that can help on this, I know is gonna sound funny but I swear I cannot debug how is possible that picks each tile of the path plus highlight them because this is what I know

    -The Function gets Call once to find the Path and is a trigger once

    -The Function Runs top to bottom never goes back UP unless the Function gets called again if I'm not mistaken

    -The Loop starts with one node that is "Open" & (Done =0 )then in the following subevents gets opacity 0 so far we have only one with opacity 0 & (Done =1 ) which stops the Loop, but how is possible that goes again back up to highlight the rest of the tiles of the path if the Function doesn't get call again?? I been trying to figure it out and I cant

    -Also, Why do you need to Return the Value 0 or 1 at the end of the Function? because if I disable still works normally doesn't break anything

    Thank you in advance

  • Any reason for using a corner of the hexagons instead of their centers?

    If done manually with events you'll use this for finding the path:


    The difference between a hex grid and a rectangular grid is just how the neighboring grids are found. For simplicity collision detection can be used.

    Here's an example:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwg8owxstf76g ... .capx?dl=1


    In it it defines a function "astar", which you call with two iids: a start and and end node. After the function the start node's node.next will be the uid of the next node in the path. This can then be repeatedly followed to the end node. For smooth motion you'll have to use the moveto behavior or devise your own method.

    Event #9 is where you control the cost to move to a node. Right now it uses the distance times the average of the node costs, but there's no reason you couldn't tweak it to be based on other factors.

    Wow R0J0hound that was awesome and is running amazingly fast, runs at 1 % in my Laptop <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I was looking for some type of Pathfinder like this for a "Bomber Man" like Game which turns out is an incredible challenge the Ai, I try it to replicate your Capx to use it with Squares tiles and I got some troubles that I can't figure it out, I would love if you can give any advice if possible:

    1-My first problem is that on this capx moves in diagonals swell but in Bomber Man only moves four directions (Up, Down, Left, Right) is there is any possibility that it doesn't count the diagonal moves? so it doesn't go through between two solids blocks

    2-How would I make the same thing but for each Enemy? Example Each Enemy has to find his Path to the Player independently, will be possible to do this without Arrays?

    3-I haven't touch much the official Pathfinder in c2, will it be better for a Game like this to use the official Pathfinder or what would you recommend with your experience?

    I hope you can give me some guidance as I'm a bit stack here, thank you so much for your Time

    This is what I got so far:


  • [quote:3j1ui7ji]

    The update isn't live yet, so you played the same version

    , cool then.


    however I changed that now. So it starts in the kitchen every time. I'm not sure what's better though.

    I think there is nothing wrong with that however, it may confuse people playing the Game and may end up thinking that the Game is buggy like me, but now that I know it meant to be that way it doesn't bother me, the best bet it will be to start from Kitchen if the pass that level Unlock the next one, so even if they die again they will have both levels to chose from, this way you give them a choice because there will be people that like one level and other people will like the other level or maybe both, either way, they can choose their selfs what they like and every one happy I guess

    Take care

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  • AndreasR

    YW mate Glad to help.

    Grate that you fixing it looking great

    I give it another go today to check the updates and here is my second report

    Ho yeah I forgot to mention the most important, the Device that I tested it on is

    Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Tab A SM-T585 16GB Black, 10.1

    So I went ahead and tested it on today and I have to say is so funny the Game as is unpredictable on which Level you will start, you see this time the first attempt to Play I hit the Play button and it started in a new Level that I didn't see it before, is the Space surfing in Board and it looks really cool I really like this Level my favorite so far, So here is some things that I noticed:

    1-Any Level you play at the first time the Music works but if you die just once and restarts in the same Level the Music will not work again, and this happens in all the Levels (space, rocket, and The Runner)

    2-On Menu when you hit the button Play it choose random Level, so you never know in which Level you will end up is like surprise is nice but maybe you didn't programmed do that, I mention it just in case

    3-On Menu the same, the first time you will hear Music but after you die and came back to the menu it wouldn't work most of the times

    4-Another thing I noticed is on the cocoon screen it flicks very quickly like is trying to display two things at the same time and then corrects himself to the coocoon screen, this is happening very quickly so unless you press attention you wouldn't see it, is like a littel conflict there

    5-[quote:rsam5m1q]I changed that so that the player doesn't get stuck on frontal collison. He just loses a life and starts flashing (indestructable mode).

    If you mean that when it gets push from the front of the obstacle loses the life then it doesn't happen at all on my side I test it on both tablet and phone unless I miss understood something there are no life taken on my side, also is a mix, sometimes it will push the Player back to the end and sometimes the player it will flash and get through but no life taken

    6-This is not a bug but I feel like a lot of times after the player jumps on (Runner Level) it gets push back to much to the back and you cant keep up, is like once you are at the back nearly touching the Left edge that's it there is no way that you can catch up to the front doesn't matter how good you jump or control the player after and I think this it will explain this:

    [quote:rsam5m1q]2) Should also be fixed with the upcoming version, thanks for letting me know!

    This mostly depends on the screen ratio of your device, so I haven't had this issue on my iphone.

    I still get this happening on both the phone and Tablet


    The Runner Level it feels much better since the first time that I played when you Jump, Im not sure if you fixed the Gravity but it works much better as it dosnt fly back when it jumps now

    Other than that it looks Grate the Game AndreasR keep it up, wish you Good luck, Sorry to be the annoying guy but I think is worth for you to know all these things jeje

    All those points happened on both Table and Phone

    Devices Tested on:

    Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Tab A SM-T585 16GB Black, 10.1

    Phone: Samsung galaxy s8

  • Hi AndreasR

    Congrats for your new Game

    I thought to give you a hand testing it and I will leave you some things to look at that I found strange it may be bugs or may not:

    1-I see that you have some solid obstacles that block the player if he doesn't avoid them by Jumping and they meant to push back the player. but about 70% I managed to get through them by just keep typing the screen, what I mean is every time I got stuck in one of these obstacles they started to push me back for a short but because I keep typing the screen to jump at some point the pushback solids it gets inverted and they push me to the front managing to get away from those obstacles like if they are none solids, even I managed to get through the Microwebs many times so I think you have a problem there unless you did it specifically to work like that, in that case, forget what I said.

    2-If you get pushback to the back Edge of the screen were is the black bar where it suppose to be like the player loses the game, a lot of times it pass that black bar enough that you can't see the player anymore but the player is still running so basically is like I should have lost and the Game should be restarted but it doesn't I'm still in the Game jumping until sometimes I get to see the player Again and sometimes not till I lose.

    3-This one is not a bug but I was curious because I tried to the same thing for many attempts but I couldn't as I'm not sure how it happened, it happened once though. I think it was the first attempts I played the Game suddenly I teleported to a different level where I was flying up with a rocket and you could go just left or right to avoid the spikes, but I remember to go to that level I dind hit anything that triggered to go there like any (sign or Icon) of a bonus hiding level or something like that while I was Running, I was curious because after that I was trying to go that level of the Rocket again looking for any signs or icons to hit while Running, but I didn't see any and I did tried many times. And it was even more strange because when I was on that Rocket Level and died many times but It restarted straight on that Rocket Level again every time I died until I thought to look around on the Menu and all that stuff to see what else you have on the App, so after when I tried to play again it just when back to the running Level every time and I looked and looked to hit any icon to go to the Rocket Level while running but not luck jeje, so I thought maybe just to let you know just in case.

    Sorry for long post I hope you don't take it wrongly I'm just trying to help let me know if you have any questions

  • maranpis

    I think I'm missing something here that I didn't understand properly but isn't that when you by C2 license after that C3 was announced you get the one Year free for C3? I'm asking because you saying you have the C3 license already so if you have that you should have the license for C2 and the only one you would have to pay every year is the c3 having the c2 forever unless I'm missing something, it looks to me like you should have both licenses therefor you will have both options to use and test.

    does this what I wrote make any sense to you? I know probably you have a good reason for that but I thought to commented just in case you overlooked it

  • > Honestly I saw a lot very simplistic Games on ios which you will understand if they don't get accepted


    They changed their policy towards higher quality, but still they have lots of old apps that can't be kicked out of the store.

    I see what you mean, that makes sense now thanks

    still the way I see it and maybe I'm wrong as I haven't read much about it yet, is that the selection to get accepted it sounds like is more as a random if you lucky you will get accepted or if not you will not more like a lottery, other ways they will have given some Rules and guidelines to follow for what they expect from every App to be accepted on their side so at list the developers they have some guidelines to follow if they are serious about releasing Games on ios, because it sounds a very uncomfortable company to work with, there is nothing that hates more than to work with a boos that you don't know what he wanna or expect from you, basically you work like lost in a jungle totally blind as you don't know what things you really need to improve in yourself to make a good job, you will never succeed or go any farther with people or companies like this jeje as you will always be in distress never knowing whats gonna happen in the next couple of seconds unpredictable.

    saying this if this is right, I can understand that maybe they wanna give super quality Games which is good everyone has the right to decide what to offer in his company right, but definitely, that is not the way to go as they don't specify what means for them that "super quality Game" so you have at list a chance to give them exactly what they want.

    But I think this it sounds more like hey we are on the top of the pyramid and we do what we wanna so all that fame this company gained started to play out very badly on their brains. surprising they gamble very much knowing all the competence that they have around and who knows what is coming new maybe far better than iPhones.

    An example of a clever company that they stop and think properly then realized how much money and customers they loosing for having the same mentality as ios is the "Xbox" which they changed that mentality an as results this was born "Xbox Live Creators Program" which I think is very clever from them and it will work out quite well for them, as they still have the same things that had before plus new Indie Games for variety which means = more money = more customers Happy.

    And is done in a clever way because they made two sections the one "cured" which is the one that they check every detail to pass the Game

    And the new one "uncured" which is the one that you can submit any Game an will get pass basically

    I said clever way because the Xbox owners or customers they cannot complain for why you put low-quality Games or something like that, as Microsoft very clearly stated that in"cured" section you will find the top quality Games and "Uncured" you will find mixt of low and high-quality Games so they give them a choice and makes everyone happy I think that's very clever, Apple they should take a note. I cant stop thinking why any company would limit their options and possibilities to make more money and possibly more happy customers at the end of the day a company is nothing without his customers doesn't matter how grate is their product

    A sort interview explaining about "Xbox Live Creators Program"

  • tarek2 Thanks! I tried to release it on iOS, but they are a lot more critical when it comes to approving games. They declined mine so I am in the midst of re-branding, and at the same time, adding more features. iOS also is not very friendly towards new games that don't have a lot of demand. Your ranking doesn't ever pick up if you are an unknown indie developer. When I released Zombie Bash on both Android and iOS, Android picks up way more where iOS get a few downloads, then dies. Will try again soon!

    Woow I'm in shock now as I really didn't see any reason whatsoever to decline your Game it looks pretty cool and fan Hmm that sounds a bit worry, is there any explanation in particular that the gave you for the decline? I would love to know these things to keep it in mind for a reference for the future like what to avoid and what not, Honestly I saw a lot very simplistic Games on ios which you will understand if they don't get accepted but in this case, is like what?? are those people seriously smoking Marijuana?? because indeed it looks like it

    Definitely, you should try it again now that you can show them that is popular on Android, Good luck man and thanks for sharing

  • Love the art it looks really cool

    +1 For the mobile version too, I'm sure it will do great on those platforms swell

  • Congratulations Man Grate job & grate Game super fan to Play,

    Thanks for sharing that was super helpful and Motivated

    I have one question that I'm curious if the Game worked well for you on Android why you didn't release it on Apple? I'm asking because when I saw it a while ago I wanted to try it and I only had apple device at that time but I couldn't find it in the store, so did you had any problems to release it on ios?? or just you didn't try it

    Thanks for sharing

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