Thanks for the nice compliments guys! I haven't been posting progress because I didn't know that people were reading this thread haha.
But I have a lot of content to share. I won't show it all right now but I'll share a couple pieces.
Ubie Island 2 Title Screen. Since Ubie repaired his ship in the first game, I've decided to make it a usable vehicle in the game and Ubie's main way of venturing throughout Climate Island.
Here were the initial ideas i had for the title screen. I ended up taking the planet in space version and tweaking it to show Ubie flying.
Working on a level that'll have the players flying and shooting. I want there to be a big boss battle at the end of this stage. Still a work in progress for sure.
Here are some sketches that show different parts of the game that I am planning. Also the bottom right image shows my initial idea for the ship level.
I'm also working on a book that'll teach a lot about game development process showcasing how Ubie Island 2 was made. More information on this soon... *This cover has some typos, this is just a test cover*