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  • Hi

    Im using c3 on the browser and since I have the license I could never remove the address bar on iPhones while remote previewing.

    What I do is from my PC c3 browser I remote preview to an iPhone requesting full screen (Scale outer) with the "Browser Plugin"

    I tried all the different combinations:

    -On touch ended

    -On touch Starts

    -On tap object

    -Platform Plugin - is On Mobile

    etc..... Request full screen (Scale Outer)

    And none of them is working

    How can I remove the address bar on iPhones when I connect to the Remote preview

    Or how can I make it full screen without the address bar


    Here is a Pic:

  • verolore

    Check the Temple for PacMan it uses Arrays to make the enemy movements


    [code lang="javascript"]https://editor.construct.net/#open=template-eat-em-all

    dosnt let me to copy the Url link so I pasted like that

  • > Because the observer is used in each condition if any are false the following conditions has 0 instances of the observer to pick from, but because the targets are unique to each condition they have the full set. So it's nothing to do with "else", just how "OR" behaves.


    but I think what tarek2 is saying is that it's always the top condition that picks. everything after the OR will not get picked if that first condition is false but NOT the other way around.

    > IF Observer HAS LOS to Object1 OR Observer HAS LOS to Object2

    case 1: there's 0 Object1 and 0 Object2 (works as expected)

    case 1: there's 1 Object1 and 0 Object2 (works as expected)

    case 2: there's 0 Object1 and 1 Object2 (disregards second condition)

    Bottom line: an OR can't be used in a picking situation. Which means ORs are limited to Triggers and global/local variables.


    Yes, indeed that's what I was trying to say, at least this is how I understand it

    Is like saying the Top event is true? Then everything true

    Else Top event is not true? Then everything False, Ignoring any "Or" block that can be true in between the Top Event and the Else

    The Problem is nothing to do with else, I was just trying to say that the else is somehow connected just with the Top Event, as jobel wanted to check if none of the objects is on line of sight then the else is not gonna work as it's restricted from the top event if its false only, its then when is gonna Run the else ignoring all the other objects that are on line of sight from the "OR" Conditions.

    I have to admit that is a very complicated issue and that I don't understand the full logic of why is working that way as the whole purpose of the "OR" is invalid on this Picking situation.

  • jobel

    Is a complicated issue: Sorry I didn't have time to make a proper explanation yesterday with examples

    There is an issue with the Picking when you use "Or" blocks but its a construct design, there where many topics about this specific issue

    So basically using "OR" blocks like that you need to know that the Picking applies just to the Top Event object and any objects that you reference after on the "OR" blocks event they don't get Picked, hence the "Else" will only reference the Top Event Object checking if that is true or not ignoring any other objects that you referenced on the "OR" Blocks

    So basically if the top event condition which refers to just one object

    it's false then "Else" will be automatically true regardless that any of the "OR" blocks condition is true

    I made an example so you can visualize better:

    Active only the Group >>> "OR Blocks (Not Woking)"

    As you can see on the Top Event is the Yellow object so this means unless the Yellow object is on line of sight then the detector it will not turn Green.

    But if you drag any of the (blue & Black) Objects regardless if they are on LOS or no it will not detect them.

    Last thing the "Else" is between the Yellow object only, if the yellow object is on LOS then Else is false and if Yellow object is not on LOS then the "Else" will be true, regardless if the (blue or black) objects where in "LOS"


    Another Example:

    If you move the black object to the Top of the Event then that object is the one that will become referenced not the Yellow, so the same thing happens as I explained above, unless the black object is on LOS the detector it will not turn Green and the Else is referencing to the Black object only


    If you still like to use the "OR" blocks you need to do it with subevents:

    Check Group: >>>> "OR Blocks (Working)" to see how its done


    or you can use Families which is the easiest:

    Check Group: "Families (Working)"


    CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8rbfpglliae29s0/problem%20with%20%28or%29.capx?dl=0

    I hope I explained with confusing you more

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  • Then the answer is that the events that remain in the execution queue are removed when you change layout.

    Basically, you just repeated the same thing I explained on my first post it was a two-part answer, I'm not sure if you saw it, you just said it differently

    You are using "Wait" after you change layouts which will not work because the layout change it will happen on the same thick, not 2 secs after, that's why the variable doesn't get updated.

  • I already explained in my first post:

    In this code, the text of layout number 2 is not destroyed.

    You cannot modify anything from a different layout, any events that are running applies just to the current layout.

    So on the second layout the function it will not get called as you have a condition that checks only if the layout it's equal to layout 1

    Meaning on layout 2 at start of layout event, it checks only if (Layout Name = Layout 1) to call the Function, therefore the function it will not get called as you are on "Layout 2" so the condition it's false

    Also, you cannot call the function on layout 1 to be executed on layout 2, construct runs layout by layout so when you switch layouts al the current events running they will stop, on layout 2 it will load again the event sheet that is linked to the new Layout which on this case is the same event "sheet 1" so all the events starts from the beginning

    I hope I explained properly if not just tell me whats the part you don't get and I will try to explain it differently

  • Edited >>>> Explained better on the next post

  • Why does the call to a function disappear when going to another layout?

    The actions of the function after changing layout will not be executed. If you assign a value to a global variable, the value will not be assigned.

    You are using "Wait" after you change layouts which will not work because the layout change it will happen on the same thick, not 2 secs after, that's why the variable doesn't get updated.

    If you need two wait 2 secs then you can make the action for the layout change at the end of the Actions so it runs last.

    Or just remove the wait.

    In this code, the text of layout number 2 is not destroyed.

    You cannot modify anything from a different layout, any events that are running applies just to the current layout.

    So on the second layout the function it will not get called as you have a condition that checks only if the layout it's equal to layout 1

  • fredriksthlm

    Probably has to be more configurated and tuned? not sure maybe,

    I have to come back to it after I finish the iOS version as I didn't want to distract too much with the Android version, I honestly thought that I have to redo all the Graphics for Android because of the colours that's why I stay away from testing on it at the moment, I will have to look probably some tutorial to how to configure the Samsung display and test again in the future and maybe it will look smoother, not sure lets see.


  • > The performance of the Apps is far much better than android making it easier to create Apps that need performance, also the colours display is super, I find much easier to create Graphics for the Game Design on iOS than Android

    Hmmm, no, absolutely not true. Maybe if you compare a $1000 iPhone with a $300 Samsung, but if you compare iPhone with similarily priced Samsung it definitely does not look better. My 4 year old S6 Galaxy still looks better than most iPhones to me, although this is obviously somewhat subjective.


    Sure why not, everyone has his own test in it

    Jejeje are we gonna do Apple vs Samsung match? I'm not Apple fanboy so I don't think I will be good for this.

    Just for the record, I was giving my personal opinion not general, I have my test and you have yours and every one has its own and its all cool.

    For me still looks way cleaner iPhones compared to Samsung because of the saturation is too strong on Samsungs phones, if you playing long hours with Samsung it hurts the eyes and they get tired much quickly but that's my personal opinion, but I know some people they prefer Samsung colours and its fine for me.

    Maybe if you compare a $1000 iPhone with a $300 Samsung

    Not that far, you can just compare (S8 Vs iPhone 8) they are about the same price

  • NetOne No problem)

    Interesting, good to know for the future Thanks

    Looks like i will indeed be joining the Apple fraternity now (something you would have never heard me saying a few days ago!!!) as I would like to explore this music instrument side of things a bit more

    The performance of the Apps is far much better than android making it easier to create Apps that need performance, also the colours display is super, I find much easier to create Graphics for the Game Design on iOS than Android, example if I put the same graphics that I use on an iPhone App into a "Samsung" phone it will look horrible because they burn the colours too much, iOS has that magic touch that any graphics you put into it look Awesome, definitely its worth trying it even with all those annoying things that you need (Provisioning profiles, keys) etc...

    Good luck mate

  • The game looks Grate!!

    I see new levels designs that I didn't see before, nice Trailer good luck with it

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