Is a complicated issue: Sorry I didn't have time to make a proper explanation yesterday with examples
There is an issue with the Picking when you use "Or" blocks but its a construct design, there where many topics about this specific issue
So basically using "OR" blocks like that you need to know that the Picking applies just to the Top Event object and any objects that you reference after on the "OR" blocks event they don't get Picked, hence the "Else" will only reference the Top Event Object checking if that is true or not ignoring any other objects that you referenced on the "OR" Blocks
So basically if the top event condition which refers to just one object
it's false then "Else" will be automatically true regardless that any of the "OR" blocks condition is true
I made an example so you can visualize better:
Active only the Group >>> "OR Blocks (Not Woking)"
As you can see on the Top Event is the Yellow object so this means unless the Yellow object is on line of sight then the detector it will not turn Green.
But if you drag any of the (blue & Black) Objects regardless if they are on LOS or no it will not detect them.
Last thing the "Else" is between the Yellow object only, if the yellow object is on LOS then Else is false and if Yellow object is not on LOS then the "Else" will be true, regardless if the (blue or black) objects where in "LOS"
Another Example:
If you move the black object to the Top of the Event then that object is the one that will become referenced not the Yellow, so the same thing happens as I explained above, unless the black object is on LOS the detector it will not turn Green and the Else is referencing to the Black object only
If you still like to use the "OR" blocks you need to do it with subevents:
Check Group: >>>> "OR Blocks (Working)" to see how its done
or you can use Families which is the easiest:
Check Group: "Families (Working)"
I hope I explained with confusing you more