amora's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey pyteo! :D

    Just played the game! It looks AWESOME! So beautiful and sweet!

    I love the colors, I love how the character walks and I specially love how everything moves, the front parallax, the flowers when the character touches them, everything. Great, great job!

    The sounds so far are nice too, I like the character's steps! Oh, and the song playing in the main menu, was it created for the game?! It's so cute.

    Also, can I ask how did you do all those animations? I need to learn that, seriously!

    Congratulations on your beautiful work, and thanks for sharing with us.

  • Thanks a lot, guys!! That was just amazing! *-* We're now redesigning the game based on the awesome suggestions you gave!

    Thank you!!

  • NUG Man

    Are you going to add a shadow underneath the monk? He sort of looks like he was pasted onto the screenshot...

    Yeah, I agree! It already looks cool, but a shadow underneath him will give it an even better effect.

  • Hi there!

    saint11 and I have just finished our game's beta version and we'd like to share it with you.

    <img src="">

    Please feel free to test it, make comments and suggestions.

    Download it here:

    For more info, please visit our blog! :3

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  • Cool! A bit to difficult for me, though!

    I absolutely LOVE the song that starts when the monster appears!! And the sounds of the hero running and sliding, they're great too.

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    this is really awesome, you're such a great artist!!

    i'm watching you on deviantArt, ok? it's keeru!

  • hello! here's a little video showing some gameplay from our project Talbot's Odyssey!

    by studio MiniBoss (saint11 and me)

    for more info, please visit our blog! :3

amora's avatar


Member since 11 Sep, 2010

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