Talbot's Odyssey

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  • First of all we want to thank you guys for the feedback. We're very happy that you like t! This really motivates us to keep working on it! Right now we collected a lot of suggestions, critiques and bugs found, and we're going thru some changes in the project. I hope we can show some more soon!

    Cant run game.

    When creating a profile, it gets deleted at once, and cant pass that screen.

    When you create a profile the game creates a "Saved Games" folder in the same location of the .exe. Is your .exe inside a protected folder, or in a .zip file?

    P.S: I have only one question: What build of the construct you used to create it?

    hanks! We started with the 0.99.92 than we ported to the 0.99.95!

    The green switch took me sooooo long to figure out. I only accidentally slammed into it after I figured out that you can hold down to drop.

    I feel that the character shouldn't be pixel art though, just to fit with the painterly style. That's just my opinion though, and it doesn't really make a difference either way.

    hanks, I'm glad you like it! About the switch, since we got a lot of problems on that one, we definitely are going to do something about it (I'm not sure exactly of what, probably putting it in the tutorial level.)

    I think we'll try to compensate the pixel difference by putting more pixel art elements in the game, I hope it works! (And of course your opinion makes difference we're in beta testing!)


    This is absolutely stunning,Although the game runs a bit on the slow side,Get that fixed and youv'e got a winner.Well done.

    Thanks You mean performance slow or gameplay slow? We're still working on the performance (since I'm no programmer I'm having some difficulties with that).

    Looks and sounds great. It bothers me though that the movement is so slow. Basically: If i feel i could have a faster movement and still controll it to 100% with the same precision; then it's too slow. If i had the .cap i would turn the timescale up to 130% or so.

    That's true, some people complained about that. I think we'll probably include a hard version (easy, normal, hard) of the game with increased timescale and some extra challenges.

    really nice game, love the graphics, atmosphere and the music. I don't have any complaints except that you have to go back to the entrance to finish the level and that's a bit annoying.

    Really great work!! I have only played the first level but I love it (i am working ). I agree with PixelRebirth, it is a bit annoying the need to go to the start point, specially when there is no any new challenge. I remenber that Wario Land: Shake it has this in every level, see the last part :


    Congratulations to all team!!

    Thanks a lot

    Yeah very cool, good art - though I did think that the music was a bit off, it was weirdly super happy and a little cliche, like the sort of music you'd hear on a hidden object game - I'm not knocking the music itself, the music is well orchestrated, I'm just not sure it works in the game. Though I only played about 20 mins of it, it might change. The audio featured here

    in your early gameplay video of the game is much, much better, in my opinion...sorry I don't mean to knock the game, if the music is the only negative thing I have to say about it that means it's one damn-well-developed title.

    Thanks! We're actually trying to do some dynamic music that changes in some situations, but I confess that we're having some troubles to do it.


    Thanks a lot for your comment, it meant a lot to us


    Well, your comment made our day )


    Thanks! I'll try to work with loading problem (also I noticed a small performance problem on slower computers). And about rewarding the player, that's something we really need to work on! The ghost idea is really nice, I think


    Thanks man

  • Wow this is really beautiful, and I agree that the music is awesome too! Congratulations

    I do have one suggestion: Would it be possible to add a brightness/gamma option? I was only able to try it here at work, in a bright office and it was really hard to see the dark levels.

  • > Cant run game.

    > When creating a profile, it gets deleted at once, and cant pass that screen.


    When you create a profile the game creates a "Saved Games" folder in the same location of the .exe. Is your .exe inside a protected folder, or in a .zip file?

    None. The "saved games" folder was not created in root dir, only in a subdir it succeeded.

    Game is very nice, although a bit slow paced for me.

  • Thanks! We started with the 0.99.92 than we ported to the 0.99.95!

    Many thanks for reply.

  • Thanks a lot, guys!! That was just amazing! *-* We're now redesigning the game based on the awesome suggestions you gave!

    Thank you!!

  • Sweet! I seem to vaguely remember replying to an earlier screenshot about how you knew your colour theory (I'll correct myself, you artists know your colour theory). After playing it for a few levels, I must say I was impressed. That earlier screenshot I'm referring to did not do this game justice. Every screen is so nice to look at. I've seen people mention the painterly BGs and sprites not going together? I think they're fine. The sprites, imo, separate themselves from the background elements which is what you want in a game like this. The music and sound fx are just so right too. Can't wait to play this when it's finished. Well done.

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  • I think they look fine too, but then again I'm no graphic artist.

    Speaking of which, what's this color theory you speak about? I might end up doing art for my game, since the guys that were going to help are not really doing anything :s

  • madster, it's just about how colours work together, how they affect each other, which colours produce certain moods etc.

    Check these out, they should help a bit



    http://www.artyfactory.com/color_theory ... theory.htm

    You could have your game full of just boxes, but with the proper colours it could look great. Knowing the basics of colour theory will help you produce a game that's more pleasing to the eye, therefore more people wanting to check it out when all they see is a screenshot.

  • Very very nice wee game.

    Are you going to have resolution change options? It just saves having to either peer in to the screen or go out and manually dial the display down.

  • At the first Deep Discount in mission 2 the vendor says "thorn", but think he meant to say "torn".

    After the second mission the demon says "the old ghost excuse..., but there is no closing quotation.

    Great game, I'm having lots of fun. I also had the no save problem, but it was because my folder didn't have permission set properly.

  • Thanks again for the feedback and for listing the bugs, we're trying to fix the as soon as we can. For now I'm posting a new gameplay video with some new features:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • madster, it's just about how colours work together, how they affect each other, which colours produce certain moods etc.

    Check these out, they should help a bit



    http://www.artyfactory.com/color_theory ... theory.htm

    You could have your game full of just boxes, but with the proper colours it could look great. Knowing the basics of colour theory will help you produce a game that's more pleasing to the eye, therefore more people wanting to check it out when all they see is a screenshot.

    I just got to read this. Awesome! thanks!

    I'll put it to good use

  • Fantastic. I got addicted to this game. great concept, great control system, beautiful artwork, beautiful music, and in fact also quite humorous.

    Although I'm not finished with the version you have uploaded, I have found no flaws yet, so I feel it safe to say "well done" on a game that, in my opinion, is perfect.


  • What a great little gem - it looks great, is fun to play, and the atmosphere is right up my alley. That, and Talbot is so cute!

  • I completely missed the release of this game. I guess that's what I get for being gone months at a time.

    But that's okay because I'm playing it now . And it's AWESOME. Good job, guys.

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