State of the art, indeed.
Thanx for your posts, these are appearantly stunning products, and must be using so hi-tech methods which I don't understand. Technically they must be very advanced, although their concept or content I don't really like, still.
Embryo reminds me of "Shadow of the beast" (amiga) with its extreme nice, sci-fi movie-like appearance.
Mega Thumb is so advanced in presentation, hats off, congrats on your creation.
Procedurally generated infinite space realisation is also very appealing.
These or similar ones are (going to be) really good promo products for Construct I think, which would be a wise thing if we wanna win against popular Game Maker.
However, if there were games with less hi-tech effects but more enjoyable gameplay, reminding of the 8 or 16 bit era, that would be nice...
... commencing searching the forums...