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  • you could save them to an array. then download it as a json file.

    ok i havent actually downloaded one yet, just loaded them.

    but have a free json file named "saved"

    go array-dowload to json - type "saved"

    i hope that works... my plan is revolving around it

    to load the json file youll need AJAX object.

    start of layout-Ajax request "saved"

    Ajax on "saved" completed- Array-load json string Ajax last data

    Ajax on "saved" complete- Array load from json string "Saved"

    that will put the saved data in the array. then just set variables to the array data where you saved them.

    i hope that helps, im expecting others to come in and correct me... but, that helps me too

  • probably you have other frames in the animation that are bigger?

    you can crop it, but, theres an arrow next to crop button. use apply to whole animation.

    also, on the origin point, click it, then right click origin point. set it to middle. and then right click and set it to apply to whole animation

  • i got it to work. i load the json into an array

    then, i filter search for values like you suggested. and just add them into a new array with all x data

    though i would post it, in case anyone else wants a visual example

  • so i have data on x axis that stores hero type, level, star, awakening.

    and the y axis holds the different heroes

    0,0 is type 1 1,0 level 100. 2,0 5star

    0,1 is type 2 1,1 level 50 etc

    i want to sort them so level 100 is first on the list

    i saw the sort function, and the reverse function to do this

    but. this is only sorting a y axis.. like all the levels. so 100 first 99 second. the type/star/awakening all remain in the same order on their own y axis.

    so if i have a



    then i end up with



    i need it to sort all colomns based of the y "level" not just sort the levels leaving the other values in the same place.

    thanks. hope i explained it well. ill continue to look online for previous examples

  • yeah. it works perfectly.

    array.at(curx,cury) just wasnt pulling the right answer.. and duplicating instances..

    doing it from a manual loop, everything works no problem.

    thanks for advice

  • good shout. running it as a loop that just reads values from the array is waay easier to keep track of

    i was getting all sorts of problems other than just setting a text

  • 1 100

    1 50

    2 1

    i need hero type 1 to spawn, and his level text box to read lev100

    hero type 1 to spawn, and his level text box to read lev50

    hero type 2 to spawn, and his level text box to read lev1

  • hi, probably an easy answer, maybe im just rusty on arrays.

    x axis: 0 is herotype, 1 is level

    i spawn a text box and a sprite when x0>1 (theres a hero saved there)

    i need the text box to say the value at (1,y)

    im spawning and ordering all text boxes (multiple instances) but the text is just saying the last value in the "for each xy" loop

    using: on created "text box" set text to "Array.At(1,loopindex(Array.CurY))"

    i have tried multiple things... just happened to land on loopindex when posting this.


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  • lionz just realising i didnt add a what to the how do i

    fair enough.

    glad people are still here. it can be hard to word things sometimes. ill try harder in the futre

  • nothing slows me down

    thanks for the reply, thought the forum was dead!

    so, apparently, yes.. the layouts keep running when switching between them. (not layers, layouts)

    so, ive opted just to have 5 battle layers on the battle layout. that way i can easily have multiple battles running while not watching them. and can access other layouts such as roster, world map.

    the battle system is done. its all auto, not hard. waiting on my designers to get art done. and characters made.

    i would have to upload to youtube to get a video link. i will soon. but, so much in development, nothing can wall me right now.

    if you are interested in helping. let me know! its not paid work. but, its a gatcha game. 4 people currently working on.

    be happy to share the content. but, its litterally 90 percent art.

    the real trouble will come from servers.. and offline rewards. i know its possible however

  • so. i have battle and roster set up for the gatcha game.

    2 layouts, button switches between them. does the first layout continue running when switching?

    if no, can i get it too? yes i can just have it all in the same layout. and make the battle invisible.

    aim: start a battle. click menu, and go to character screen while battle is still running.

    then. if i want to do multiple battles. can i load a layout, and have it work multiple times.

    for example. start a story fight. using the battle layout.

    go into menu, go to arena. start an arena fight. the battle mechanics are exactly the same.. just needs the opponents reset.

    ill need both fights going at once.

    i figure i could just have 5 battle layers set at worst. but if i can do this by running a layout multiple times. that would be huge

  • i would love info on offline play. neeeever worked on it. working on a gatcha. offline knowledge is kinda required for idle

    thank you kindly

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